Genera&directionsfora charged the righteous man, when the booke of Wifedome waswritten; Inaword,if thouwalked in the narrow Wa andbe oneof that little flocke, which lives among Wolves Luke I , 3' b , and therefore muff needs be little ; fo that all the Leop,irds, lfaaa.6. y Lions, and Beares about thee, I meane all forts of unregene- rate men , thou art hunted for thyholineffe, as a Partridge on the mountaines , at leaf} by the poyfon and perfecutionof the tongue; I fay , then thouart certainly in the hieway to Heaven. 2. If the Saints of God bee men of fingularitie, in the fence Ihave laid; then awaywith thofe bafe and brainelefk cavils,. againft thofe who are wifeunto falvation : What ? rsì Cinn undique areyouwiferthen your fore-fathers ? then all themTowne mats perltrepant then fuchand fuch learned men ? then our owne Parents ? & dicant , Qnare y Ticvtvis? ru folus Are you wafer then your Head , may the Husband fay, &e. Chriflianus es-? Qu n ase non lacis Nay further,toNoah it might have bin faid by the wretches quo& faciunt &ofChofes times, Art thou wafer then all the world ? (He out & ? dicis, Chriflianus Of t lam, ur repellas *hi , c . Et tu he height of his heroicall rdb tion, eafily ençtured and digefted the affronts- and and pities of this kinde from altos nefcio q°os` fed adverfarius millionsof men.) But take thou thefe fpitefull taunts, and premit, urger, binde them in the meane time , as a Crowneunto thee , and quad pelus eft advance forward in thine holy fin alaritie.with all fweete esempio Chrifti- y ,, . anorum fuffocat Chriftianos. Sudatur, aftuatur , tribulatur animaChrifliana , &c. Ideo vide quid diese. Refpondet e- nim , Quid mini prodeft, quiamodó mihifacio remedia, & lucror paueos dies ? Ex co hint de ¡flu fa- culo, & vado ad Dominummenmm, &miete=me in ignem, quiaprapofui pawns dies vita futura, mittet me in gehennas - Et hoc fort& non inplatea tibi dicit amicus fed in domo uxor,aut fort& marina uxori ddeli,hona &.fanax decepror ipfius,Si mulier marito, Eva eft alli : Si vir uxori,Diaboluse(ta11i Aut ipfi tibi Eva eft,aut tu alli ferpens es. .Aug. in `pl. 93. p. so r. n Non igirur dubium eft,quin generano prava infenfiflìmd cum °derit, & varie exercueric,infultantes ei : Nuns tu folus lapis? Num folus tu Dco places ? Num nos reliqui omnes creams ? omnes damnabimur ? Tu folus non erras ? Solus non damna_ betas ? Hat magna virtus fuit. Nobis enim hodid impoffibileeffe videcur , ut unusfe opponat tori orbi terrarum, reliquos omnes damnet, tanquammalos, qui tarnen Eccleliam,verbum& cultum Dei ja&ant, fe astern folüm ftatuat Dei-.filium, & Deo acceptum elle, Lurherr. Neque parvum eftdefpieere dentes & opprobantes, & falibus inceifentes : at jultus alle non tantum decern & vigiuti , & cenrum ho. mines, fed& omnem hominum naturam&tot myriades defpesir. Veriumiie cairn omnes tllos ridere, re- prehendere, fubfannate, & debacchari t & fort& edam, fi poffrbile fñiler, dilacerare voluilfe.. Chryfelt, Bons z;. in city .6. Gen. Tam domefffica ill, erat ftrenuitas,ut viam diverfam à vulgari,quam omnis mul- titudo inambulabar, irer : &neque timeret, neque fufpicaretur aliquid tale, quale verifrmile eft, ignarii accidere : qui fiquando viderint, multos Gmul confpirare, hoc velamen,& hanc occafronetnfua ignavia prarexunt, ac dicunt : Quid egonovum, & fingulare poll illos omnes fa&urus effem adverfarius capra mu'tirudinis, & cum tantopopulobellum fufceprurus ? Numquid illis omnibusego.. admirabilior cam? uæ utilitas forettantarum rnimicitiarum ? Quod commodurn taxi odii ? Nahil taliuns cogitab o, ne- wje in animum (ameba, Idem linm zz. content.