Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

,...._ comfortablewalkingwith God. content and undatantedneffeof fpirit , towards that glorious immortall Crowne above; and let thofe miferable men, whofè eyes are hood-winkt by Satan , and fo blinded with earthlydaft, that they cannot pcffiìbly difcerne theinvifible excellenciesand true nobleneffe of the neglef}ed Saints fol- low the folly of their worldly wifedome , and Tway of the greater part , toendleffewoe ; and thengive lofers leave to talke. 3. Let every one ; who in finceritie of heart feekes tobe Paved, everhold it a fpeciall happineffe,and his higheft honor, tobe fingled out from the Vniverfall peftilent contagion of °Go ° itá kew , common prophanenefle,and the fanfull courfes ofthegreatefl praire,thoisghnone part; and tobe cenfured as fingular in that refpeal. Neither doe it but my feil, and te walk*with is this a fingular thing, that I now fuggeft ; but it Lath beene man, with the the portionofthe Saints in all ages, tobe trod upon with the wotld,veithatown feet of imperiouscontempt, as anumber of oddè defpifedsPwaÿ;n"Á underlings, whereas indeed they are GodsIewels, and the deadlfin, ehou1ls onely excellent upon earth. Behold faith Ifaiah, Chap. 8.18. B. ingtonu'p_ I andthe Childrenwhom theLord bathgiven me, areforfignes ott Gal. 4. v.i. sandwonders inIfrael. Iat»asa monfter unto many , faith Da. vid,`Pfal. yl.7, l am in deri/iondayly, every one nnocketh mee, faithJeremy ,Chap. 20.7. We aremade, faith Paul, afJiettacla Unto theworld, and toAngels, and to men, I Cor. 4, 9. Wee are made as thefilth o f the world, the of f fcowringof all things, v. 13. Inp Aufiinstime, thofe that made confcienceof their wayes, p s multi ma- not plungeinto the corruptions of the times , and play fliani, inter quo* the good fellowes, were fcornefully pointed at,not onely by qui voluerit bene vive & inter e. Pagans, but even by unreformedProfeffors, Profeffors at btiorore s fobrius large, as we call them, as fellowes that affefted aprecifenefle eOe, &inter for- and purity above ordinary andothers : They would thus in- of e`&`rater fuit and fcoffinglyfly in the face offuck anholyone ; You arc fultatores Mache- agreatman , fare , youare a Tuf man ouare an Elias you rnacerjter Deum i y finceriter colere, & nihil tale re- t]uirere & inter fpetlatores nugacium theatrorumnoluerit ire nisi ad ecciefiam , patitur infultores ipfos Chrillianos, &patitur verba afpera,& dicunt , Tu magnas, & jufr`us, tu es Helias,tu es Petrus, tu de ccelovenifli r infultant quocunque fe verterit, audit hint arque Inde verbum afperum. ouodf timet, recedit á via Chrißi Dei Ctlyndo audit verba afpera, uncle fbihabet facere folarium, ut 'non curée verba afpera,&c. Dicat , Qzaiiaverba audio, fervus pcccator ? Dominus meus audivic, DzemonirttSs inks.. FM y®. 13 4 are