8 Generall direcráionsfor a q si fimplot ali- are aPeter, youcomefromHeaven, &c. In q after-times, guts, fi caßus,auc eSt I fA tmgalis to col_ man were but meerely civill, ingenioiu, chafte, temperate, bee iegro atiquo vet zraa madea 6y-wordand laughingftocke, to thofeabotet him, They eonvencu, latam prefently faid; Hee w rood, fingular befde bimfelfe, Hy. & lubricam per- f ditorít viam non pocrite, &c. Thus it was, is at this time, and will be to the, feâetur,Fabula, & ridiculum caters every worlds end, that ftigmaticallWhoremonger, beaflIy cflîcitur. Infolens Drunkard, ignorant Lozell, fcoffing Ifmael, andSelfe-guiltie quoque, & lingo- wretchwill have abitter gird, adry blow, as they fay, afcur. saris, infanus ant Hypoerita conti- rill gibe, to throw likethe Mad-mans fire-brand into the face muo appellatur of Gods people, as though they were a company of odde Vnde &mtulti,gm adbonam ftngem humorous fellowes, and a contemptible generation. This, I elevenirenr,ficum fay, ever 'was, and ever will be the worlds opinion of the modeltis & bonis degerent; has wagesofGod. The childrenof darkeneffe ever harbour fuel) rartone abflraai conceits, and peremptorily paffe fuch cenfuresupon thechit- per malorum có- drenof light. fortia ad malum trahuntur , dum It is ftrange ! Men are content tobe fingular in any thing; tafia inter Coos fave in the ferviceof God,and falvation of theirfoules. They contubernales nomina fubire defire, and labour too , to be fingularly rich, and the weal- Cir Nicola' , thieft in aTowne ; to bee fingularly proud, and in faíhion t;t;i5 ]lMtitiff by themfelves ; to be the ftrongeft in the company topowre .E «l. )pad. Ivan. er in ftrongdrinke. They wouldwithall their hearts be in ho- nour alone, and adored aboveothers. They woulddwell a- lone, and not fuffer apoore mans houfe tobee within fight. They affeet fingularity in wit, learning, wifedome, valour, worldly reputation, and in all other earthly precedencies; butthey can byno meanes endure aloneneffe, and fingulari- ty in zeale,and the Lords fervice.In matters of Religion,they are refolved to doe asthe molt doe , though info doing they certainlydamne their owns foules,Mat.7.14,Bafefl coward- lineffe, and fearefuineffe fit for fuch a dooms ! Revel. 2 i. 8. Theyare afraidof taking Gods part toomuch ; of fighting too valiantly under the Colours of Chrift; ofbeing too bw fie about the falvation of their foules; left they fhould bee accounted too precife, fellowes of an odde humour, and engroffers of more grace then ordinary. It is one of Satans dreadfull depths, as wide as hell , and brimine-full with the bloodof infinite foules : To make men ambitious, andcove- tous