comfortable walking withGod. 9 tous of fingularity in all other things : but ingodlineffe, and Gods fervices; not to fullerit in themfelves, and toperfecute it in others. Now in this Storyof Noah, fo highly honoured with fin- gularity offreedome, from the finfull contagion ofthole def- perate times , and happily exempted from themolt general!, andgreateft Iudgement upon the earth that ever the Sunne faw, an Vniverfall drowning ; glorioufly mounting up upon the wings of falvation and fafety, both of foule and body, when aworldof Giant-like Rebels funke to the bottomeof that new Sea, as a ftone, or lead, I confider, i . The caufe of fuch a fingular blefledprefervation;which was the free grace andfavour of God : But Noah foundgrace in theeyes of theLord, verf. 8. 2. The renowne, and honour ofNoah: name : in that he rPereunte murt- ftands heere as the Father of the = newworld, holy feed, d°'trnns Noefer" vatur, quafi itirpa andprogenitorsof Iefus Chrift: Theft are thegenerations of incorrupra,ut no- Noak,verf. 9. yr mundi f,tori- go, &novorum 3. The defcription of Noah; : i , Perfonall goodnefhe : hon,rnum ferri_ 2. Prefervation : 3, Poflerity. Thefe two latter follow. narium. "insbra,» His perfonall defcription !lands in the end of verf. 9. Noah was ajut Sian , andperfet inhisgenerations , andNoah walled with God. Where we findehim honouredwith three noble Attributes, which make up the charaaer of a compleate Chriftian: i. Honefty. 2. Vprightneffe. 3. Piety. And they receive much excellency and luftre from a circumftance of time : Inhis generations : which were many andmainely (kettle fix =rn,_ corrupt. tes Noachi cumliantiá teat- Without any further unfolding myText:coherence and porum, perfona- dependance upon either precedent or following parts, ( for ue amplrfi- , cùm ita Hiiloricall pailages are plainer, and doe not ever exae} the fuitfedicitur, non length and labour offuch an exa& refolution, as other Scrip- Irate nna' fed molds, non con_ tures doe,) I collecì from the firtl point, wherein. I finde ver.arioue cmn Gods free grace to be the prime and principali caufe ofNoah; 1 bun's fed d curi prefervation, this Note : ruptiílìmis,& fx_ Dot. The freegrace and favour of God is the firft mover culo corruptitG- and fountaine ofall our good. Confider for this . purpofe fuch modnn cal. e Gienn á. xa1, places