Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

lo ' Generali diretdiansfor a placesas thefe, Iere. 31, 3. Hof i 4.4.D esst. 7.7,8. Rom 9,1 I, 12,13. Ioh.3.16. Iof2q..2,3.Ephef.1.3, And it mutt needsbe fo. For it is utterly impoffible that any finitecaufe, created power, or any thing out of himfelfe, shouldprimarilymoove andincline the eternal], immutable; increated, omnipotentwill of God. The true originali and' t Kent Dee nihil prime motive of all gracious , bountifull expreffions and lotef1 effe caufa effufions of loveti on His Elegy is His awaits. ut icipiat voile : p , His mecum be- ita 8,n ipfi Deo,i- neplacitums : The good pleafure of His will. And therefore hil poteft elk to hold, that eleóion to life is made upon forefightof faith, caufa ut ab vet- no aliquid "lit good workes, the right ufe of free-will, or any created cut niacaput ab motive, is not onely t falfe , and wicked ; but alfo an igno- aterno fit,Dried. rant and abfurdTenent. To fay no moreat this time, it robs Ton.; lib. do tan- Godof his All-fuff-lciency , making Him goe outof Him- `def.di ap`3: felfe , looking to this or that in the creature, upon which Non enim Dens His will may bee determined to ele&f. The Schoole-men q°áread exrlá- though otherwife a rotten generation ofDivines, yet are adaliquid agen- right in this. dam ;alioquinip- 1. That dii}inaion which I learne from my * Mafler, in o nuvolsendob his heavenly Sermons publifhed lincehis death, dotli leade eP gnantte 'Nod untoaright, and trueiy inlighten this Head- fpring of all our , 2U beau in i. Sent. good. I . Someatlions of Gods love unto us, faith hee, arefs in Chr that they are whollyMended on Him, and his me- Divina volunta- ' yJ ll. tis non folum ritsare the only procuringcaufe of them : For example, For- nulla el! caufa 6- given(fJe ofznnes is anatlion of Çods loveunto us and jet this nalis, ,& motiva ' , der modurn ob- wholly depends upon Chrift , andhis merits; fo that his preci- 3et i; fed eriam ous Blood muff either procure this mercyfor to fromGod, elfe eft orie_ they will never bee forgiven; and this, and the like love of Qum creaturæ , quod poff,t Den God, is both in Chrift, andfor Chrift. 2. There areforce o- th efie ud, ratio fed volefolanfdut , theratlions of , Gods love which arife',werey andonely out of bñ vitasVafjvei the abfolute willof God , without any concurrence of Chrifts me- 13..frt cap 1. sits; As the eternal/purpofeof God, whereby Hee bath deter- * That ,Heft war- alinedto chufe foremen tofalvation ; this is an action of Gods holy,and love merely rifng out of His abfolute will, without Chrs (earned Minifter of god. iohn merits. For Chrift isa cAtediatour, andall his merits are the Pndaalll,, S r. 2. efec`ts ofbù love, not thechufe of it. Andyet this love, though l'a. it be net for Chrif, yet uit in Chrifi..Eph, 3.1i. According to the