Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walking with God. II the eternall purpofe, which hee wrought in Chrift Iefus our Lord : that is , in regardof the execution of it ; for even this cternallpurpofe , and agave at-lions of Gods love , which arífe from his abfolute Will , are effected, andbrought topafj'e in and throughChr /. 3. Wee make an eftimate of the abfolute, and infinite frankeneflè of this unconceiveable loveof God to, his, which reacheth from everlaflingto everlafting , by_looking upon that goodly, faire, fweet, amiable creature defcribed , Ete- chiel 16. In thebeginning of the Chapter, thee liesmolt fil- thy and foule, tumbling in her owne blood , pittiedby no eye,abhorredofall; which loathfomneffe{hould ratherhave begot loathing, then love : averfion andhate, then>affe6ion, and liking : yet God Himfelfe.doth thereprofeffe , out of a melting pang, and overflowing abundance of His free grace, that, that time was unto Him the time of love : Hee Bred his .skirt over her, and covered her nakednefle. In a word : after. thee wasdrefled , and adorned with Gods molt skiltull,andmercifull hand,lheebecamea molt lovely thing: Firft, wafhedwithwater, cleanfed from. blood , anointed with oyle; then cloathed with broideredworke, {hod with Badgers skinne, girded about with fine linnen, covered with fluke, decked with ornamentsoffilver and gold : with brace- lets uponher hands , a chaine on her necke, a Jewell on her forehead, earerings inher eares, and a beautifull Crowne upon her head, fedde with fine flower, honey and oyle; fo that {hee became exceeding beautifull., and renowned through the whole World, forher perfe6t comelineíl'e, even mine owne comelinejfe , which Iput upon ber , faith the Lord God. Vfes : T. All praifethen is dueuntoJehovah , the Author of all our good , the Fountaine of all our blifle , the Well - fpring of immortality and life whereby we live, and moove, andhave our beeing, our naturali being., the beeingof our outwardhate; our gracious being, the everlaftingnefle.,of our glorious Rate. Were the holieft heart upon earth enlarr ged, to the vaft comprehenflou of this great Worlds wide- _ nefle-.