12 -Generadirections for4 neffe; nay, made capable ofall the glorious and magnificent Hallelujahs , andhearty praifes offered to Jehovah , bothby all the Militant, and Triumphant Church; yet would it come infinitely fhort of fufficiently magnifying, admiring, andadoring the, inexplicable myfterie, and bottomlefle depth, ofthis free, independant mercy, and loveofGod, the Foun- taine, and firftMoover of all our good I Wee may and are bound, toblefle God for all themeans, instruments, and fe- cond caufes, whereby itpleafeth God toconferre, and con- vey good things untous: but we mullmil principally, with lowlieft thoughts of moll humble and heartieft praifeful- nelle, atthe Well-headofall our welfare, Iehovah,bleffed for ever. We receive agreatdeale of comfort, and refrefhment from the Moone and Starres; but we mull chiefly thanke the Sunne: from the greater Rivers alfo; but the maine Sea is the Fountaine. Angels, Minif}ers , and Men maypleafure us; but Jehovah, is the principali. Let us then imitate thofe Lightsof Heaven, andRivers ofthe Earth; doeall thegood wecan with thofegood things Godbath given us by his in- liruments; and then reflet backe towards,and returneall the glory andpraife unto the Sunne of righteoufnefle, and Sea of our falvation. The beames of the Moone and Starres returneas farre backetoglorifie the face ofthe Sunne, which gave them their beautie, as they can pofibl'y , untill they bee refle6ted, or determine by necefliry a piration, the Sunnes ejaculatory power being finite : Let us femblably ever fend backe to Gods owne glorious Seife, thehononr of all His gifts , by a . fruitful] improvement of them, in fetting forth hisglory, and by continuall'fervent ejacula- tions of praife, to the utmoft poffibilitie of our gracious hearts. And here I cannot hold , but muff needsmoll jufily corn- plaine of the hateful' , intolerable unthankefulnefleof us in this Kingdome, the happiefi people under the Copeof Hea- ven, hadwehearts enlarged toconceive aright of Gods ex- traordinary love, and fuch miraculous mercies, as never Na- tionenjoyed 1 Walke over the World :'Perufe the whole face