Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walking withGod. 13 face of the Earth, from Eaft to Weft, fromNorth toSouth, ffeake not ehu, which is above-one and twenty thoufand miles about, both to beset,feeuriry, wayes ; and fromone fideof Heavèn to another ; thou !halt "''ich i ready to bl U but to not finde fuchanother h ened Gofen,as this I land,where- Jlir ow to us tha g keful_ in wedwell. Of fixeparts of theEarth, five arenot Chrifti-efe, wheroi , r ans, and in Chriftendome, what other part is fo free from the f 1, ',ÿáäQ. reigne of Popery , the rage of Schifme , or the deíiroying tell rvoen here, Sword ? Oc where befides Both the Gofpel Thinewith fuck ourçeioer towards glory , truth and peace ? Or in what Hooke of the World cod, which is are there fo many faithful! Soules, who cry unto God day bu h ,vetoblef andnight , againtt the abominations of the times; for the fed .00ajeflie prefervationof the Gofpell; that Gods name may bee` glo- )6:ad, fah `mfelfh i. riouflyhallowed , His Kingdome collie, His will be done in moll booe fully. every place , and themfelves ferve him with truthof heart? Andyet weare too ready, if we have not theheìghthof our defires,and our wils to the ful,in Readof patience,teares,and prayers, whvichbeft become the Saints; to embitter all other blefl'ings, and to difcover molt horrible unthankfulneffe of them, byrepining,grumbling, anddifcontent; I am fure, by not rejoycing (as we ought) in everygoodthing, which theLord our Godhath given unto ur ; and by not improoving the ex- traordinarineffe of his mercies, to our moreglorious fervice of Him, and more humbly and precifely walkingbefore Him. Give me leave therefore in fhort, to revive and refrefli your memories, with reprefentationof forcegeneraIl heads, onely of thofe innumerable fpeciall favours, with which Gods mercifull hand hath crowned this Kingdome , for the furringup, andenlarging our hearts, to the entertainment and exercife of this mott neceffary, and moll negle6teddu- tie ofpraiting Iehova. And here, wee of this Nationmaya great deale more juftly, and rightly fay, than the French Chronicler, in the Preface to his Story, That we have lived in a time of Miracles : our Pofteritie will hardly beleeve the wonders done in our dayes. Was it not a miraculous mer- cy , that fuch a glorious noone-tide of theGofpell , as wee have enjoyed all our lifelong, íhould fpring out ofthe dark- eft amid-right ofdamned Popery, which unhappily feized upon.