Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Genera&dtrclllonsfora upon the face of this Kingdome in the time of Q.aeene ,.LIa- ry; efpeciall watched extraordinarily , and molt fhrongly guarded by all the policy of hell , and power of the Pope ? that the blood of thofè blefled Martyrs fhould bring forth lince, fuch a world of Gods fincere worship, and fo ma- ny thoufandsofgracious Soules , whoare already crowned with everlalling bliffe ? That 2ueeneElizabeth, that match- lefle Princeflè, and Pearle of the World, fhould inthofe fiery times bee preferved in fafety, as a fweet harmelefle Lambe , amidft fo many mercilefle Romifh Wolves, who implacably thirf1edfor her precious life ? Was it not a won- der, that the facred hand of that felfe-fame crowned blefled Lady, next under Gods Almighty One, fhould in defpight of all the Powers of Darknefle, and Popifh rage, raite our true Religion, as it were by miracle from the dead , a thing which the World fo little hoped to fee; that even they, which beheld it done , fcarfly beleeved their owoe fenfes at the firft beholding ? That afterward , the Silver line of her much-honoured life fhould bee hid in the endlefle maze of Gods botto-mlefie mercies , from the fierceaflaults of fo ma- ny Popifh,Buis, fuch a prodigious varietyofmurderous corn- t The excellemry plotmenta again(} her facredPerfon; and all thole defperate ofGodwer f afr vtd e and power forthe Aosof Rome, who all her life long hunted full greedily qofßel, mac extra_ after her Virgin blood ? * And wasnot our deliverance in ordinarily ;mfro_ Eighty eight a Miracle, when theSea fought for us, andher ved, in the mires_ .ülous frfervarí_ proud waves enlarged themfelves to (wallow up quicke their en f that klefred ladyfromfo ma.. prouder burden ? There was a day, as many of us may re- y attemjre, fo member, which the Papifts called , The long-looktfar Day; enemy enemies , fo the Day which fheuld pay for all: They meant the Lay, many aufchlefety l ifloli, Poniards, when Queene .Elizabeth fhould dye. About which , their Foijons > Threat_ fade prophets were fo confident and 'hopefull , that they ex- ntngs , Infurr_ upon the bloodofthat Day , to have built their Idola- ans, jniajions> curtes,Excommu_ Brous Babel! againe : For they would needsforetell, that it eiícatian, , and all The malree would bee a bloody Day, Y By the uncertainty of the next Ntmofl ofHell andPore. Yeire (faid one of them in the late Queenesdayes) our Coun- t' n o Eof n s . is iJl trey is in the weft. dreadfull , and deßierate cafe ; f in the greateff líGel 1 14.07e4 183. t ifcry, andmof#dangerous tames, that ever it xroufince, or be- fore