comf©rtaó'e tvalkiri3with God. i5 fore the Conquefl; andfaire werfe then any Countrey of Chri- flendome,by the certainty ofmoll bloody, civill,andfarreinwarires ail our wealth and felicitie whatfoever, depending upon a few uncertain deiyes of Rueene Elizabeths life. Clouds of blood ( faith zanother ) hang in the Aire, which at the death of z Non vos later moldgravis , & aeene Elizabeth will diffolve, and raine downe upon Eng- fene&a orincipis lend , which then is expe&ed as a prey to the ambitionof aras, cujus fepul_ thrum, velutit°- neighbour-Nations. I am fure,the falfeprophet fpake to this dns regni voragi- fenfe. And what comes of all this ? when theDay came , ne& naufragiuni fermé fub oculta God , even wrought a miracle of mercy for the comfort of contemplamini this Kingdome,and further conflation-offuch tellers,and fore- cæterum infu- tellersof lyes : * For theSunnefet, andno nightfollowed : the P6.. ntei cogtariones ad fame mercifull handat the fame time crowned Qeene Eli- zabeth Reìpubiicæ mein- with immortals glory , and fet the earthlyCrowneof bra cam vents conciliis dif}raa, this Kingdomeupon King lameshis head , without £heading ingentes moles fo muchas onedropof blood. And was it not a miraculous tem et nml, mercy tohave fuchaKing, after fuch a 2eene ? who hath entornen imbrinm already, next under that mightieGod, by whom Kings coneÌraarrasm- reigne,continued the Gofpell unto us, and prefervedus, from pendére cervici- the deftroying Sword now full twenty yeares: And what doe bus defpicieas egaaqu you thinke,Were twentyyeares Peace, and the enjoyment of p vroh donldor ! nne - the Gofpell, worth,were it to be bought ? Who hath enno- ilia in prædam bled this Kin dome for ever by his excellent Writings i11 expetitur& eepe- g f $ f étatur. Weflonus the caufe of Religion againft Antichrift , which would have de tr'iplieil,ominis created a great deale of honour to a private man mindin g Clon °` ° in Ferare- ail d nothing elfe : How iiluflrious thendoe they make our Xing? fie°J. e Aca e- The childeunborne will bleffe King larnes,for his premoniti- onto all the Princes, and free States of Chriflendome; and is recut'. that Royall Remonftrance , againfl the rotten , andpeflilent Orationofthe French Cardinall,to the utter,and triumphant overthrowof it ; penned in that Rile, that nonecan poflibly reach, but a learnedKing : his Golden pen bath givenfuel' a blow to that beat} of Rome, thathe will never be able to iland upon his foure legs againe : bee hath £hot out of his Royall bow fuch keene arrowes, taken out of the quiver of Gods Booke, which will hang in the fides of that skarlet Whore, and make her lame as long as nice lives. Did hee not feale