Generali direllions fora fealeas an Inftrument ofhis hand,as it were,to teflifie his its® vincible cleaving to theTruth, which hebath foexcellently, and unanfwerably defended with his Pen , the fameday bee gave the Noble Princefïe, a fecond Elizabeth, to the ?di. tine ? Hath he not molt happily and fcafonably flopped the hafty torrent of theArminian Seen;and the domineering rage ofbloodyDuels, &c ? And was not the difcovery and deli- verance from the Powder-plot, that great aftonifhment of Men andAngels, oneofthe molt unparalelled and merciful! Miracles,that ever the ChurchofGod tatted ? Is it not admi- rable in the eyes ofall Chriftendome, that the, onely Daugh- terofour 'King, ;unworth ly hunted up. and dowse likea Partridge in the Mountaines, lhould with fuch Heroical! height ofSpirit paffe thorow fomany infupportabledangers, ditl'iculties,andlndignities, impof iible tobe forced upon La- dies by generous fpirits ,: and as impofliible tobe borne and overcome, but byan invincible fpiric; and that Sliee and all her Royall littleOnes lhould be fä11 fäfe in the goldenCabi.. net of Gods fweeteft providence ? And to crowne all with a wonder ofgreateft aftonifhment, doe not we all,that arethe Kings faithfulleft SubjeEts; almoft feare frill, left we be ina dreame, that Prince Charles, the Flowreof Chriftendome, fhould returnehome fo ! To fay no more : Away then with all fowre, melancholike, caufeleffe, finfull difcontent. And vra,10.1,2,44. Praife ye the Lordfang unto the Lord anewlong, andhispraife, in thecongregationof the Saints. Let Ifrael rejoyce in him that made him : let thechildrenof Zionbejoyfull in their Ding. For the Lord taIeeth pleafiare inhis people : Hee will beauti 1e the meeke withfalvation. Let the Saints be joyfull in glory : let them fang aloudupon their beds. Inaword, let us ofthis Iland,.aswe have jult caufe, aboveall the Nations ofthe: earth,and above all Ages oftheChurch,from the very fiat creation ofit,praife Iehovamolt heartily,infinitely,and forever. 3. Never hit any inthe teeth with deformitie ofbody, dulnefle ofconceit, weakeneffe ofwit, poorenefle inoutward ftate,ba1 nefle ofbirth,&c. For who makes thee to differ from x,cor.4.7, another? Either, In