Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

consfortablewalking withGod. Incarnali gifts, ascomelineffe of,body,beauty,feature,lla- ture, wit,ftrength, &c. See Ìob, 10.1.0, tI,Pfal.i 39.13,I4,16. In civill'endownents,or anyartificiali skill;untillit come even unto matters ofHusbandry : See Ifaiah 28. z6. Inoutward things, feePfal. 127. More particularly, in preferment, andpromotion, fee Pfal, 75.6, 7. In children, 1 Sam.1.27. Pfal.t27. 3. Inagood wife, Infpirituall things,fee Ezeck.16* Inany thing thouCana «Ifü,43 °15 name. We are all framed ofthe fame mold,hewedout ofthe Brun Ì;9; fame Rocke, made, as it were, of the fame cloth, the fheares, as they fay,onely going betweene; it is therefore onely the472 io4' free love and grace of God, whichmakes all the difference. Whereupon , it was anexcellent fpeechof the lall French I the Hilary of I ing,as his Chronicler reports : When hogs borne, there were his hf. addeuti. a thoufandother foulesmore borne : what have Idone onto God, p4g` 93° more then they ? It is his were grace and mercy, which doth oftenbsndme-more unto his ju,Bice.: for the faults ofgreat men are neversmall. Let none then, I fay, over- looke, difdaine, or brow-beate their brethren, by reafonof any extraordinarineffe of gifts, eminency of parts, singularity of Gods fpeciall favour, or indulgence towards him in any good thing , whichhe denies to others. Efpecially, thy felfebeing vouchfafed the mercy of converfron; never infolently and imperiouLly infult over thofe poore foules, whoare betide themfelves inmatter of falvation, who like miferable drudges, damne themfelves in the Divels ílavery, and fuffer their corrupt nature to carry them to anyvillany, lull, or lewd courfe. Alas ! our hearts should bleedwithin us, tobehold fo many about us, to im- brew their crueli hands in the blood of their ownefoules, by theirignorance, worldlinelle, drunkenneffe, lull, lying, fcof- fing at profefïion, hating to be reformed, &c. What heart, except it be hewedont of the harden rocké, or hath fuckt thebrells of mercileffe rygers, but would yerne, andweepe, to feea man made of the famemoldwith himfelfe, wilfully, as it were, againfl the Miniffery of theWord, a thouland warnings, and Godsmany compailonate invitations, tocall C himfelfe