Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

General directionsfor4 himfelfe body and foule into theendleffe, eafeleffe, and reme- addle miferies of Hell'? And the rather fhould wepitty, and prayfor futihan one , whófollowes the fwinge of his owne . heart, toles owne everlafting perdition, becaufe, as Ifaid before,there went but the fheares between the matter where- of wewere all made; onely the freemercy, goodnefle and grace of Godmakes the difference. Ifhee fhould give us o- ver to the unbridled currentof our corrupt nature, we might bets bad,and runriot into aworld of wickedneffe, as well as he; if the fameGodvifit himinmercy, he might becomee- veryway asgood or better,then we. 3. If the free loveof' God, bee the fountaine of all out good; away then with that fained'fore-fight of faith, right lifeof free-will; goodworkes, which fhould move God to cleft before all eternitie; and that Luciferian felfe-conceit ofprefent merit, a fit monftrous broodof that beat}of Rome, O ihefC 2.4. who oppofeth aria exalteth hitnfelfe above all tharis calledGod. For workes meritorious fore-feene, are equally oppcìi* to Grace, as workes meritorious really exifting. Here youmuff call tominde thofeeight confiderations, which I oppofed a- gainft that wickedTenent of Merit, whichdoth juftly nitric neverto tafle ofGods freemercy. From the fecondpoint in thefe words: 7hefe are thege- aserations of Noah] whereasthe fameand memoriall of all the Families upon Earth befides , lay buried and rotting in the gulfe of everlafling oblivion,as their bodies in the uHiverfalI graveofWaters; thefamily of Noah, a righteous and holy man, isnot onely preferved in fafety from the generali De- Inge;but his generations regiftred and renowned in theBooke of God, and conveyed along towards the Lord Iefus, as his Progenitors and precedent Royall Line; I obferve this point :. Doc"l.. Perfonall goodneffe is a good meanes to bring fafe- ty, honour, and many comfortable bleflings uponpofteritie: fee Deut.5.29. Exod.2o.6. Pfal.37.26. Prov.20.7. and II: 2I . Pfal, I I 2. I, 2. 1>'EI.. 2. 39. 1?eafon. r Parents profefling Religion in truth:, make confcience