Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortablewalking withGod. 19 confcierice of praying for their children , before. they have them , as did.alfaac, b Hannah r . When they are quieke in aGen. /5.21. the wombe, as did eRebeckah : When they are borne, asdid cb IG ;sI=Z d Zachariah : In the whole courfe of theirlife , asdid a Iob : a auk. 1.64. At their death, asdid flfaac. And prayerswee know.,._are fG a7'4. for the.purchafingof all favours at the hands of God, either for our felves, or others, the molt undoubted . foveraigue manes we can.poniblyufe. 2. Godly Parents doe infinitely more delire to fee the true feare of Godplanted in their childrenshearts, then, if it were poffible, the imperiali Diadem of the whole. Earth fet upontheir heads. And therefore their principall_care is, and the Crowneof their greateft joy lhould bee, by good exam- ple, religiouseducation, daily inftruótion, loving admoniti- ons, feafonable reproofes, reftraint from wicked company, the corruptionsof the times, &c. ; byall dearef{ "meanes, and utmoft endeavours, to leave them gracious, when they goe out ofthis world. And Godlinefr'e,faith Paul, bath theprom"ife = Tim; 4, 5; of the life that now is , and ofthat which is to ceme. It gives rightand full intereft to all the truehonour, bleflIngs and comforts whichareto be hadin Heaven, or in:Earth... 3. Children are ordinarily apt, out ofa kindly inflin6of naturall lovingne%, from many and ftrongeft motives, to imitate, and follow their Parents, either inbafeneflè, or bet- ter carriage, to heaven, or hell. 4. A Father that truely fearer God, darenot for his heart heape up riches, or purchafehighroomes for his children, by wrong-doing, or any wicked wayesofgetting; whereupon, bothheand his, fare farre thebetter, andhappily decline the flaming edge of thole many fearefull curfes denounced in Gods Booke,againft all unconfcionable dealers. Such as that, Ecclefiaff. S. 3, 14. There is aforeevil! which Ihavefeeneun- der the Sunne, namey, richeskeptforthe owners thereof to their hurt. But thefe riches perilh by evill traveli, andhee begetteth a fonne, nandthere is nothing in his hand. And Habac, 2, 9, Jo, Woe to him that coveteth an evill covetoufnefle to his hoRfe; that hee mayfit his nefc on high , that bee may bee deliv=red C 2 from M