Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

zo Gmerall direö ionsfor a from thepower ofevil!. Thon hall conflatedfhone to thy hassle, by cuttingof many people,andbafffannedagainfi thyfouls. Vfes : 1. Wouldeft thou thenhave thy little babes tliön Lovett fo dearely, blefled upon earth, truely noble, Gods fa- vourites, meete thee in Heaven ? Be holy thy Selfe. Men arevery careful! and curious to have their feed-come , and breed of cattell choife, and generous ; and will they not endeavourto nurture , manage, and condua the immortali foules oftheir childrenWith grace, by godly education, to thehigheft advancement,of which thofe noble.naturesare ca- pable,everlafting blifíe,fruitionof all heavenly joyes, world without end 2. Thismay alto ferve to reproove , and corre&} thofe ca vetous Bedlams, that labour more to have their children great, than good; rich,-than religious. It is a madnef a of that kinde, which wanteth termes toexpreffe it : That a Man lhouldgoe to Hell himfelfe, and fit his children to follow him, in feeking to eftablifh his houfe, and raife his pofteritie, by Sacriledge, Simony, Bribery, Vfury, Oppreflìon, Depo- pulation, or anyother courfeof cruelty, and wrong. For fo g Qanamq; die they lay their g foundation in fire-worke, which is able to oro aliena rapers neceflitas? ._Pan_ blowup themfelvesand their pofterity, body and foule, roote peras inquis hoc and branch. facr,aci°°p`a"e' Let this fill the heart of the dying Chriflian with eeffariorum. At- $ Y $ dui proptereá non fweeteft peace. For whereas the bloody knife of prophane ole a apNan eamens unconfcionable and cruel! negligence in training up les divitiz incertz their children religioufly, loth flick full deepe in theirfoules;, fnnt : rnvero ca- and leaving this life, they bequeathunto them the curie of its congregans , non aliter facts , God , together with their ill gotten goods :. hee happi- quam fi quia ro- ly finds his confcience,, by. reafonof his former thirfly de- gatus cur in are- nam ædificii fui fundamentajaciat, refpondeat, Propter frigoris, ac pluviæmetum. At ob idipfum:nondebebat funda. mentum in arenam locad. Nam ita, versus, ac nimbi mox illui fubverntnt. itaque .fi ditefcere voles, neminemcircumvenias Si liberis tuisvoles dividas tradere , juftas acquire. Ill=quippe manentt, as firmg perfiftunt. [emu,= verò tales nonPunt, confeftim pereunt,ac corrumpuntur. - Si verò omninò ditefcere cupis,(res enim i[taneceffaria non eft) quibus tandem dividís magis frui voles ? An vita longi. Otis ? At qni ex rapto ditefcunt , modico plerumque tempore durant. Nam fæpenumero tapir= & im- poftura pcenas dant, mortem videlicet immaturam, idque ita,ut poffeffs , nifr brevi moment frui nog fleet, &betimes Gehennam forriantur. Fit vero & hoc fape,ut ex delitiis, laboribas &cutis agota- finea fil i ipfis confcifcant &pereant, Chryfo ff. Serns.2. in 2, ad Eih,