Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walkingwith God. 3 R fire and lincere endeavour to doe his children good fpiritual- ly , freed from the horrour of fuch blood-guiltinefle , and leaves themto that comfortable outward eftate, whichno in- jury or ufury bath impoyfoned , and to that never- failing providence of our heavenly Father , which then iswont to worke moll gracioufly , andbountifully for us, when wee renouncing the arme of flefh, the favour of man, riches of iniquitie , andall fuchbroken Haves of reede , depend molt upon it. If we will needs be our owne carvers for things of this life, either by right or wrong, fraud or fairedealing, all is one, fo that we may thrive and growgreat in the world; then arewe juftlycall off from all mercifull care over us, and expofed to ruine and curie. But if we reft fincerely for our (elves and ours upon the all-powerfull providence, it will neverfaile , nor forfake us, but ever exercife , and improove its fweetneffe and wifedome , for our true and everlafting good. In the third Point, a defcription of Noah: fpirltuall llate which is the compleat Chara6ler of a true Chriflian ; con- h 9>71 fonat lifting of three Attributes : i. h Iuftneffe. 2. i Sinceritie, virum probum,a quum, juftnm, ac 3. Piety. I colle& from the firft thisnote: bonnm, æqui vi- Doff. Every truly religious Man, is alfo a righteous, and delicet ac jufti fludiofum. true-dealing man. From the fecond, this : n, nn figni- Doe?. Sinceritie is the finew, and Touch-Hone of true ficar hominem Chriftianitie. integrum, frmpli- dum But thefetwo, I have fooftenpreffed in the courfe of my ficencerumm,cand, i non MlvMiniflery, thatI will paffe bythem at this time. verfutum in quo llos do Looke what kinde of honeily to men that is, which is pHurehenditur, lus de- fed not accompanied with Religion towards God; the fame is omnia & fa@is,& ore,& cordeinter that Religion towardsGod , which is not attendedwith ho- í'e confonan[ neftie to men. Vnhoneff religion , irreligious honefly , uhfsn- rJ'1l'1 fo- cerereligion and honeffy , are all in one predicament, as they Hae perfetìum, fay, and all out of the right path. If thou have refped one- nofter interpres ut ly to the Commandements of the firft Table, and outward vertit, fed inte- grum , fincerum, non fucatúMere. inbusc locum, tI ll Sometimes is thefame that,non fraudulentus confiliis,non`varius, fed frmplex,s- pudTags. n,nn nonperfe&ionem abfolutæ fanâitatis, fed frncerirarem cordis & pietatis lignificar' qunn folam Deus anobisPunt esigi[ : ficat dicitur, z Tim. t. 5. Finio- mandati eft,&c. Per. C 3 nerformance,