Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

22 Generali diret`lionsfor a performance of religious fervices ; but neglelt duties of the fecond, and confcionable carriage to thybrethren; Thou art but a Pharife, and formali Profef our : If thou dealef} juflly with thy neighbour, and yet be a ftranger to the myftery of godlineffe, canif not pray, fanaifie the LordsDay, fubmit to a fincere and fearching 1viiniftery, &c. which the firft Table en,joynes; Thou art but a meere civili man : If thou puton a fiourilh, and outward faceonely, of obedience and confor- mitie toboth andyet be true-hearted in neither, as did the Pharifees, Mat/2.23.14.. 23. thou art but a grolle Hypocrite. Beare thy felfe holily towards God, honeftly towardsMan, and true- heartedly towards both, or thou art no Body in Chrifis Kingdome , but dill in the gall of bitternefle, and Idph.434. bond ofiniquitie. Put on righteoufneffe, and tree holineffe in this life, or thou fhaltnever put on aCrowne of glory in the life tocome. InHe"sgenerations ] which weremany, and mainely cor- rupt. xon ; ceci&_ In that then Noah flood out, and ftucke unto God milituaine ab- thorow fomany k ages ; andagainft fo 1 wicked a world; we. Lorrct ztatis dix- may learne. tfe Mofen numero plum- Dee. That conftancie is ever an infe arable Attendant , quo menus exprime- upon true Chrifiianitie. But becaufe a double confiancie is :et, quám ftrenn- heere implyed : i . One in refpeóf of continuance of time: athieta fueriitus 2. Another in refpe&ofoppofition to the corruptions of the one muta- times I may obfervetwo points. fxcula non â cunt,cnrv. in çap Doft. 1. Grace once truely rooted in the heart, can never 6. en. V.9. be remooved. See for this ur oft Romi 1.2 Matth x x i Mirat:ile fuit l' l' 9 `}' 4' eon antix "exem- I Ion. 2. 19. 2y. Iohn 10. 28. Rem. 8. 35. Luke 22. 32. plum, quodundi- 3 Cor. 1.21,22, Ephef. 4. 30, &C. quefeelerum fcc- torecircumdatus, Reafons may be taken, from contac,iouem in- I . The deareneffe, ftrength, conftancie, inviolablenefle of u. nullam eon- God the Fathers loveunto His Children.. It is dearer then a traxir, lbil. Mothers,to her fweeteft Babe, Ifa. 49.15. It is fironger then the mountaines Efa. 54. ie. It is as confiantas the courtes ofthe Senne, andMoone, andStarres; oftheday and ofthe night, Ier. 31.3 5,36.and33. 20, 21. It is asfare, as God Himfelfe, Pfal. 29,3S, &c. 2. Chrifle