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comfortable walking withGoa. 23 2. Chritis triumphant fell: on and interceffion at His Fa- thers right hand. Which may for ever, with fweeteft peace, and freedome from favifh trembling,affureus of our rooted- neffe in Chrift, confiancie in grace, and everlafling abode withhim in the other World. Hée that will rent us from thriftsmyt}icall Body, being once implanted into Himby a lively fruitful! Faith,and blefkdly knit unto Himby His Spi- rit, as fait as the linewes of His precious Body are knit unto Hisbones, Hisflefh tohis finewes, and His skin toHis flefh; mutt pull Him out of Heaven , and remooveHim from the right hand ofHis Father. What fo furious or infernali pow- er can ordare lay a finger on us in this kinde ! He bath taken thepoifoning power out of every thing, that fhould hurtus, or haleus backe tohell. He bath conquered, captivated, car- ried in triumph, and chainedup for everall the enemies of our foules, and enviers of our falvation. They may exercife us in the meane time for our good; but they (hall never be able toexecute their maliciouswils, or any mortali hurt up- on us, either heere, or in thenext life. 3. The irrevocable ohliignationof the blefled Spirit, Eph. I. 13114. and 4.3o. And who orwhat, canordare, reverfe the Deed, or breake up theSeale of the holyGhoft. Heere the,, as you fee, the bleffed Trinitie is the un- mooveanlegroundof our goingon in grace. 4. The laiiing and immortall power of the Word, once rooted in a good and honett heart, Lake 8. 15. i Peter. 1. 23. 5. The certaintie and fweetneffe of promifes to thispur- pofe, Ier. 32. 39,40. Zech, io.12. lohn8. 12. z Sain, 7. 14, 15. Tfal. 89. 31, &c. 6. The force and mightof Faith, i Pet. I. 2,3,4,5. 7, Theefficacie of Chriits Prayer, Lak; 2 2. 3 2. Iohn 17. 15, 20. Rom. 8.34. 8. The durable vigour of faving graces. loh. 4.14. Row; II. 29. 9, The inabilitiesnay, impoffibilitieof all caufes, or crea- turesto plucke out of Gods hand , John 1o. 29, or to draw C 4, any