Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walkingwithGod. 2,5 armesoftheir Faith, the proofs and promifes in the prefent Point and ride on , becaufe of the Word of Truth. Let them fweetly, with full affurance, and unconquerable Tefolution, repofe upon that everlafling encouragement,for the finding oftheir fpirituall building, which Zerubbabel received from the mouthof GodHimfeife,for fuccef e of the materiali, and Type of this : Not by might andpower, but by my Spirit , faith Zech4.6,7 the Lordof Hofs. Who art thou, O great mauntaine ? before Zerubbabel thou'halt becomea plaine, andhee'ballbring foorth the head 'fine thereof withfhoutings, crying , Grace, grace un -e to it. And that theymay more comfortably and conftantly goe on., let them call their eyes betime upon thefe and the like cautions, at theirvery full giving their names unto Chrilt. t. Propof fuch interrogatories as thefe to thine owne heart : Art thou content to abandon thy bofine fìnne; the fenfuall froth of former ''pleafures, hereafter to delight in m Delicatas es, God, as thy hiefeft joy Calif} thou takeu thy crone' and Çhtiffiane, & ! y , y p Y m Paculo volup- follow Chrilt His Truth andholy tracke, amidit themany rarem concupic- by-paths that leade tohell , and different opinions of multi- in'ìuu° r`hoe tudes ofinen ? Art thouwilling to fuller adverfitie,difgrace, cxil{imas volup- and difcountenancewith-the righteous, and contemned god- tatem, Tertttl. a'e fáaîfac, cap.z$. lyOnes ? Canit thou endure to have things laid unto thy. charge,thou never didít, thoughtft, ordream'dít on? To- be- come the Drunkardsfong; a By-word to thole that are viler then theearth; mufsckeat the feesof thole that fitin thegate, cc. In aword,for Chrifts fake to deny thyfelfe, thy world- ly wifedome, naturall wit, carnal" friends, old-companions, pleafures, profits, preferments, eafe, excellencyoflearning, acceptationwith theworld, outward Rate, libertie, life, or what elfe thou can't namedeareft unto fleíhand blood ? If thine heart anfwer notaffirmatively, (Imeaneout of the re- folution of a well-advifed regenerate judgement : for I know, the flelhwill grumble and reclaime :) thouwiltcer- tainly fall away, or end in formalitie, z. Looke to thy repentance; that it be fincere, univerfall; confiant, from the heart-roote , for all.knowne fnnes; to-thy dying