General' directions fora dying day. z. If fome worldly croffe be the continued prin- cipal' motive : a. Or the humour of inelancholy 3. if it be confufedly onely for finne, and in general': 4. Or for tome one fpeciall notorious fi aye onely : 5. Or for fome lef- fer hones, withneglec't ofgreater,as for tything Mint, &c. 6. If it be onely legall : 7. But for fome finnes., of what kinde foever; leavingbut fo much as one knowne finne not taken to heart: S. Or but for a time : All will come to naught. A foundationofgodly forrow,leafurely, advifedly, and fincerely laid at firft, will befor ever after, a comfortable encouragement to Faith, fpirituall joy, well-doing,and wal- king withGod. 3. Take the Touch -Honeoffruitfull,powerfull,and fpeci- all markes;to difcerne and difference ¡unifying having Faith, from all falfe and infufficient faiths. For a temporary may goe farre. 4. Let knowledge and affeEion, like two individuali twins, growup together in thee; andmutually transfuCe fpi- rituall vigour intoeach other. Prefumenot upon any know- ledge, with. an humble inflamed affeion; neither build toomuch upon the heat ofzeale, without the light of know- ledge : Either ofthefe maybe tingle in fome,and that in fin- gularitie, whoafter may fall away íhamefully. 5. Above all, looke unto thy heart. If thy change were Angelicall, inwords, a6ions, and all outward carriage, and yet thy thoughts ftï11 the fame and referved : thou art buta e.zer 4.x4.. guilded Tombe, andcannot bee ° faxed. Let a man take a Woolfe,beatehim blacke andblue, breake his bones, knocke out his teeth, cut away his clawes , put uponhim a Sheeps skinne, yetWill he recames his Woolvifh nature : Let a man become never fo harmelefíe outwardly, yet without anew heart, all is naught. 6. Incorporate thy felfe into the company of Gods peo- pie, by all engagements andobligations ofa profitable, inti- mate, andcomfortable fellowfhip in the GofPell. There is a fecret tye untoconfl:ancie inthe communion ofSaints. He is not like to walke long, that walketh alone, efpecially, if hee might