comfortable walking withGod. might enjoy good company. Shunning focietywith thegod- ly-, istoo Ihrowde a figue of temporary. 7. Confiderwell , ( for the contrary is a notable difcove- ry of counterfeits) that thy calling tograce mufffettle thee more furely in thine honeft particular calling and make thee therein more faithfull, confcionable, andpainefull. Let Chriflians altoof longer ¡landing, and more ftrength in their affaults about perfeverance, have recourfe unto this Tower of Truth, and labour to prevent that which they, feare : z. By conflancie, in a careful! ufe of all the means; the Word, Prayer, Conference, Meditation, Sacraments, &c. Towhich, let thempreferveappetite : and praélifethat they, , heare, without omiflion or delay. Hee that give way to a heartlefle negle6, orcuftomary hardneffe of heartin theufe of the Ordinances , may juflly fufpea his neerenefleto fome fearefull finne, or fierce temptation; to tome heavy judge- ment, or dangerous Apoftacie. 2. Affooneas they difcover any fpirituall weakeneffe, of decay; aflault, or temptation; let them complaine betime unto theThroneof Grace, and mightilyoppotewith the fer- venteft prayersof extraordinary private humiliation. 3. Let themkeepeperfeuion Rill in theit eye, andaime; and towards the attainment thereof, acquire and acq.,aint themfelves withRules of holy life, daily direElions, courfes of moil mortified men, &c. 4. Let them watchfully decline all occalons of falling backe : SpirituaIi pride, knowne Hypocrifie, defiretoberich, undervaluing and declining the moil fearching meanes, forme, and perfun&orinetle in religiousduties, difcontinu- ance of intirnateneffe with the godly , negleaof diflrayli- ons upon the Lords Day, &c. ç. Let them confider that all is loll which ispall, if they fall off, z Iohn 8 This former Point of conflancie in grace , did arife from confideration of blefled .Noah, continuance in goodneffe through fo many ages : Now in that he didnot conforme to the 27