Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

General! direaions fora the iniquities ofthe times, but did Rand unhained,amidit the wickedlt generations that ever dwelt upon earth : I collect the neceffitieof another conftancie, and that is in refpect of oppofition to the corruptionsof times. Doff. The fervant of Godmull not ferve the times. Or thus ::The true Chrihian ought to hand at haves endwith thecorruptionsof the time.: lteafon. Hee is bound unto it by his Baptifme. Of fuch as prophaned themfelves, beingChriftians, with irreligious de- light in the Enfignes of Idolatry, heathenifh fpeó4acles, a de Pa". {howes and hage-playes, oTerm/ban, to1}rike them the more p' 24. deeper, claimeth the promife which theymade in Baptifine. He is not oftheworld, lob, rS, i 9. His life ás hid with Chriff God, Colo 3, 3. There is a fecret heavenly vigour infufed into every racious Soule, by the Sanctifying Spirit, which deáds it to the world, and makes it delight in God. .Hee -ought to thine in theworld, as a light in the mislff of acrooked ' ndperverfe nation, Phil. 2. i 5, Light and darkeneffe cannot endure one another; neither the power of Grace, thofe workesof darkenefle in which the world lyes drowned. Hee is by no:rneanes tobe conformed to thze world, Rom. rz, z, nor to runne with the wicked to thefameexceffe of riot, I Pet. 4.4 Hee is now new-borne, and become a Child of gternity; whereby his heart is faine in love withnew and everlafting delights; and the eye of his foule turned from the dungof this world, towards the glory of the fecond Life. As the worldlingcannot relifh the fweet joyes ofgracious exercifes: fo neithercan the Chrillian, the frothy pleafuresof góod-fel- lowihip. You can ashardly draw the found Profeffor to a Conventicleof fwaggering companions ; as a good fellow to a day of humiliation. rfes : r. Howfoever then, thoumayeft feeme>to handon Godsfide, byan artificial! acing of tome affected formes in Religion , by countenancing theMiniftery, if thoubeeft a great Man, andoutwardly conforming to the Ordinances : yet, ifin thy prattife thoubeeft plunged into the corruptions of theprefent, and thine heart hanker "till, andhunt in ferret