Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walking withGod. $9 after youthfull delights the lulls ofmen, moll applauded fa- íhions of the greaterpart , thou art nota Chriltian it truth, but atrue counterfeit. Affure thy felfe , if thou fwim down the current, and faile with the tideof the time, thoumayeft juftly looke every moment, to fall upon the fudden, perhaps in theheight of thy temporali happineffe, andhottefl gleame of thy worldly glory, into the irrecoverable andeverlafting Lakeof brimitone and fire, &c. 2. Let every one, who hathgiven his nameuntó Chriít, ever hold it his Crowne and comfort , tohold a thong and unconquerable counter-motion to the courfes of the world. Let him ¡till difcover the true noblenelle of his Chriftian fpi- R, rit, andof aminde fpirituallygenerous by gathering vigour, growing invincible, from the very oppofitionsrbf the wic- ked,and villaniesof the time.SeeTfal.i r 9.126,127.1 King. 19.14. 1 Theft. 2. 2. It was the laying of a morali Heathen : That to doe well, where was nodanger, wasa commonthing; but to doe well, where ubothperil! and oppoftion , war thepeculiar office of amanof vertue : much more, fay i, ofa man of God. a cad. Noah iae w And Nadiawalked with God.] Walking with God, is the fandd &pidvixie, to andflower of all Noahs excellencies, and fpirituall felici- Denm fem- p , per prætenrem ties upon earth. Whencenote, præ oculis habo- `Dafl. That walking with God is the Crowne of the see,& revereretttr; g , rdeoque in omni Chriftians Chara6ter. operecaatilïìmus, It is the duty and property of every true Chriftian to modcllifGmus,e- y P ÿ 9 ligiofií$mus,fem- walkewith his God. per tncedebat, e- By walking with God,I meane,a fincere endeavour, pun- ratque Deo, Dei- quevoluntadi per dîually and precifely tomanage, condu&, anddifpofe all our amnia confenei= affaires , thoughts words and deeds all our behaviours Qns , perinde nç g > ? ' homo cam homi- courfes, carriage, andwhole converfation, in reverence and neamico,ve! D°- feare , withhumilityand fingleneffeof heart, as in the fight mino fue, nbique g & indivulsè m_ of an invifible God, under the perpetual! b prefence of his ambulan, !lei per All- Peeing, glorious, pure eye; and by a comfortable confe- minl nia o conrentit, mnibus fe conformar. b Opus cft ergo, ut hic timor mentes obfideae , opus eft, ut ille, qui peccare non yule, præfenrem fibi . cogìeet, non sn publico folûm, fed etiam in domo ; non in domo foldm, fed & in cubiculo, innode, in ledulo, in rorde fuo, .A1,4g1t(i. Tam. so. Rom, 27. quent;