3,0 Generandirec`iions fora quent, toenjoyby the ailiftance and exercife of Faith, an un- utterable fweet communion,, and humble familiarity with his holy. Majei y i s in a wórd, to live in Heaven upon earth. Proofes.. Gods Covenant and Commandement toeflbra ham, and inhim, to all the faithful! unto the Worlds end, re- quires it, Gen. 17. I. The pras5life and proteftations of the Saints and fervants of God, feale unto it. Enochwalking withGod , Chap. S, was anhappy preparative to his extraordinary tranflating to glory. TheLordbefore whom Iwalke, faith Abraham, Chap. 24. 40. will doe thus and thus. Iwill walke before the Lord in the Land of the living, faith David, Pfal. i 16.9. OLordGodofIfrael, faithSidman, 2 Chron. 6. 14. There as no Godlike thee in the Heaven, nor in the earth; which keepefl covenant, andfhewefl mercy unto thyfervants, that- walke be- fore theewith all their hearts. Ihave walkedbeforth thee in truth and withaperfectl heart, faithHezechiah, 2 King. 20.3. Andherein doe I exercife myfeafe , to have alwayes a confci- ence voydofoffence towardGod , and towardmen , faith Paul, Aux 24.16. which founds the fame way. Let their money perifh with them , who efleeme all the gold in the World, worthone dayesfocietywith Iefur Chrifl, and his c The life Cf GA_ -holy Spirit , c laid that noble Marquefleof Vico, well skilled lead c,chap. 2.2° andexerienced in an heavenly converting with his God. Reafon. i.And it mutt needs be fo : For howfoever natural! men and worldlings, out of their obnoxioufneffe , and fecret terrors, Ilavifhly retire, doe not willingly, neither dare they 2. 2,9. draw neere to that God, which to them is a confirming fire; yet all thofe, whohave truely tailed how gracious and glo- rious hee is, íhall finde theirhearts, out of a fecret fenfe of Gods love unto them firfl, kindlily inflamed with infinite defire to live under the comfortable influence of his plea- fedcountenance, to enjoy his holy Majefly with conllant peace, and an humble fpirituall accefle and acquaintance continually,