comfortable walking withGod. continually. His fpirit ofPrayer,infinite love,exercifeof re- pentance, temptations and troubles fromSatan ; preflures and oppreffions from the world, Toile of inwardpeace, faint- neffe ofFaith , want of fpirituall l}rength, affault of fbrrle fpeciall finne, fweetnefie ofmeditation, daily favours fhow., reddowne upon himwithout number, and above rneafure fore -thought of the great and Taft Account, motions of the bleffed Spirit,fpirituall defertion, &c. but above all, the inex- plicableblefiednefie,goodneffe, and excellency ofthat higheft Majefty it felfe, drives him to his Godmany timesa day. 2. All Gods loves untous; His loving kindneffes,prote- aions, prefervations, bounty, patience, divine illuminations,, fpirituall bleífings : In a -word , every linke of that golden chaime of Mercy, Grace and Glory , farre thicker fet with fweeteft Wettings in all kinds, then the Heaven with Starres, which our:happy Soules have, doe, or (hall enjoy from the fiat fpringingof it up (if everlaffing could haveany, begin- ding) out of the adored Fountaine of his freegrace, tothe fail moment of eternity inhigheft heavenlybliffe (if eterni- ty could polfibly ever determine) fhould bee fo manykeene fpurres, deepeft obligations, ílrongel chaines, to draw our hearts molt greedily to this infinite delight in him, and thus with an humble familiarity tocöverfewithhis holy Majelty. 3. Confcioufileffe of our former walking comfortably withGod, fano}ified by the life of Faith, will mightily and incredibly fupport our fpirits and courage in the times of confufions and feare. The d hearts of fenfuall worldlings, for want ofreconcilement , and acquaintance with God in calme and comfortable times, linke and tremble in the Day of diftreffe, andGods dreadful! vilitations, as the heart of a woman in her pangs ; and fall- afunder in their brells like drops ofwater. But that happy e One, who inhis profperity had] made Godhis portion , and walked humbly inhis pre- d Si ei qui volup- tatibus tèdedide- rir,hacvita fit ex- cedendum , pra horrore quodam & metti vel ante conflitutum obe- at mortem. Item fi futuram agrito.- dinem fufpicetur, fi contumeliant, fi paupertatem , feu aüud iflinfmodi quippiam ex infpirato affuturum prmviderit, petit illico& confumitur , Chryf (t. f rm. contra Gulam, 6- cateras rorporir voluptates. e Contra veròqui Spirito vixerir, nutlá eric fetili ca tatevbflrinus , fed finetimore mmlliria , difcrimineerit, & quavis return mobilitate luperíor : acque eòvifkor evader, quod nil fit advetfi perpeffirs: fed,qupd majosutique efl,adverfosomnes fortuna emus coacémnve. Chryfoft. ibid. fence,