Generali direelions fora fence, (hall in the time of trouble Band likeaítrong unmove - able mountaine, impregnable againft the rage of wind and weather, againft the cruell incurfions of all adverfary pow- er; when the wicked fhall tire the Mountaines withboote- lefie cryes to cover them; he (hall be able to fay withDavid, rfal, 46. z The Lord umy refuge and myftrength, &c. Therefore will I not feare, though theearth be moored, and the t_Mountainesfall into the midit of the Sea. He flail by the merciesof God, and humble dependance upon his omnipotent Arme, encounter, and entertaine the terrours evenofthe evill day, of the houre oftemptation ofthe Kingof feare,and laft Iudgement, with confidence, and peace. 4. Thy walkingwith God , will make thee extraordina- rily powerfull, and mightilyprevaile in prayer; one of the greateft bleffings, and ívveetett comforts, which canbee na- med, orenjoyed in this life. As the Kings Favourite, who 'lands {till in his prefence, and under the immediate,and gra- cious influence ofhis Royall eye,doth farre fooner, andmuch more eafilyobtaine both his owneand friends fuites , then thofe who are more eftranged from the Court : So it is in this cafe. N. But above all, that which fhould moll quicken, and keene us to this duty, is that particular intereft wee have by Iefus Chrifl, in Jehovah himfelfe, blefled for ever. A myfte ry, which if I fhouldoffer to open and enlarge, I fhould be endleffe, andyet come infinitely fhort. Oh then,let us infinitely love, and learne exaalythe moil fweet andheavenlyArt of walking withGod ! Fora more comfortableenlightning, andguidingus wherein, before I come togive fome generali inftruóions, give mee leave to premife thefe quickningpreparatives. I. Looke that thou lyeft not in any one knowne finne a- gain!} thy confcience,hating tobe reformed : doe not cherifh, allow,or goe on in any luft,corruption,or lewd way in thine heart, life, or calling : fuffer not any workeofdarkenefle, or ferviceof Satan to raigne, anddomineere in thee. For if fo, thou art farre fromability, or poffibillty of walking with __ _ God