Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

o»,fortable walkingwithGod. 3 ! God, or delighting ii him , that thou wearelt the Rivets brand, and art yet moll certainelyone of his. See and fearch the truemeaningoffuch places,as tiiefe; a t Iohn 3.3.6,8,9. aMijfáke Harth: lames 2. t o. Ezech. 8. r. l aimev6.i8. and z Y 6,101 placet k "e>v fr:,,, f i hence, the Pelas;.. Exech. t 8. 30. 'Matti,, i 8. 8,9. 2 'Cor.7 T. rtnr,Cathariffr,Cae Sutable hereunto is the concurrent judgement,anddo&ring leff,anr;Donatíflr, lnabwptiflr, dour heft Divines, andworthieft Writers,gracioufly iniru- bertiner dreamer fledunto the Kingdorve of Heaven. Thefe are their leverall °f I kne,q not irhat,Phar.fautait, aflertions to the famefente, in their own: words : phantaflicall, and z . Amancanhave nopeace in his conference, thatfavouretbVtapia perfelïi_ and retainethan onefinne in himel ea aut fi bis con eienge. °n. But it rru: i ff g J' f ,ghich,Auíiim/aith. 2. eA man is in a damnable Elate, whatfoever gooddeeds Qái ambútane in feue tobe inhim, ifbee yeeldnot to the worike of the holy Ghofi, o'pérancur pet á for thof cu leaving cebut ofany one knownfirme , whichfightethagainfl f & InPf.rr .Cones. 3. So longas the power ofmortification defiroyeththy funfuI Nonpecare,y . satferions, ando long as thou art unfainedly dijrleafedwith allfi efe ac pGYc fnne , anddoefi mortifie the deeds ofthebody by the Spirit , thy peccdoo r pug cafe is thesafeoffalvation. puritan. ti 4. eílgoodconfidenceffands not with apurpofeoffinning; no, mdere,2:;1. not with irrefolution againfl Penn:. 5. The rich andprecious boxe of a goodconfcience is polluted, andmade impure , íf but one dead Flit bee fuferedin it. ( Hee mcaties, any one knownefìnne, lyen and delighted in im- penitently.) 6. * Where there is bat any one firme nourifhed and fofiered, *Dike., thede_ all other our graces are not only blemifbed , but abolifbed; they ceitfulner oc 4" are negraces. heart. chap. 16.; 7. Moll true its thatPaying of Aquinas, ; That allfiltres are coupled together , though notin regardof converfion to temporali good; for fame looke to thegood ofgaine , forme ofglory , Porn ofpleafure, &c: yet in regard of averfion from eternali -rood, that is God ; So that bee that locket but towardone fnne , is ets touch averted, and turnedbakefromGod, as ifbee looked to all. Inwhich re f elt Saint James fayes , Hee that of endeth inone, is guiltieof all. 8. Every Chrif1ian fbouldcarry inbit heart , aconfiantand D reflute