Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Ge sarandsretIiess for ß refoluto purpofe not tofine in any thing : for faith , and the 'tar_ poteoffnningcanneverßand together. gIa aphid ingal Thou feel#then, ifSatan keepepc fe ion,. but by onereig- peeer+tum rogna_ ning finne,- it g will be thine everlafling ruine. Thou fhait veri , na then bee fo farre from ever enjoying any humble holy ac- num. (1st enim quaintance withour God, that thouart gone body and foule pìrricrpat'° jufti- for ever. One breach in the wallas of a Citie expofeth it to 11æ & ìntquitati ? gut communica- the furprizeof the enemy : one leake in a (hipneglefìed,will no loci ad- tene- fluke it at length into the bottome of the Sea : the flabof a bras? Qui confie. g fuschr,ito,&Bo- pen -knife to the heart , will as well fpeeda man , as all the liai ? Er putamus daggers that kild Ctefir in the Senate-houfe : if thouhedge eonos nfecill á or thy Clofe as high as the middle Regionof theAire in all o- nicationc, idolo- ther places,and leavebut one gap,ali thy graffe will be gone: iâ, & vane&_ Ifthe Fowler catch the bird either by thehead, or the foot, irnntunesfrmus x s , Tiece inimicitiæ, or the wing,fhe is fure his owne. It is fo in the prefentcafe: If `ontenti °' ira, thou live and 1. b 1 e with allowance anddelight in any one rixa, drffentro, e- s l briefas vogue & knowne fmne, without particular remorfe, orrefolution to cætera quaparva art With it ; thouas -yet carrier# the Divels brand, hoe bath arbitraonur exctu_ p dunt nos d , Re no therebymarkt thee out for his owne. As obedience is univer- Dei Nec revert ono quis á boa- fall andCatholike, if fncere; forepentance, if true, is alfo titudine exduda- generali. It firipsusftark.. naked , as aworthy Divine faies nor , an pluribus: well cum omnia find_, ofallthe garments of the old Adam , and leaves not I liter excludant, much a thefbirt behind : in this rotten building, it leaves not a Riier.tom.ra, Con. Ili (tone uponajonc. As the flooddrownedNoahs orne friendsand Gafat. ad verba ilia , fervants:fomuff thefloodofrepenting teares drown ourfweetel, [Manifefta font andmotprofatablefnnes. opera carns. Auftin hauler rare- The premonition therefore I tender in the firtplace, is xned /acriledge , this : Thou cant' never poffibly be fitly qualified , either for onurtber,falfe,wit- ,reffè-bearing,theft,rapint, rride,envy.c0iet0urneft, anger, drunkenneffe,fadtb,E%grsibsrcunque, qui in feu- nunhabere cognofcit, & pmnitenttam non egerit, fine remedio in gehenna igne at debit, Tom9.p.1458- (Therm the whole Treektifo,I fìi(t quote Auftin inolfa"o,1 tintedLug.r 573.) Sicut ad corporis fanirarem, non eft fatis, ut pertequis,vel pleuritidecareat,fedab omnibus inuniverfum minbis immunem elfeopor. tee : fic ad anima fanitatens requirirur,fordium ac vùiorum omniumin univarhun abdicatio,Spin.dejai.. Chili. Vbi regoat in corde propofitum peccandi, ibi fiducia nifericordiæ exulat. Sicut miles,f tote corpore fuerit arcnis veftitus, &unam parrain habúerir nudam ; nihil ei prodeft, quwd torusf lm-it ferme veltims, fi per illam unam partem cum fagitrapercufferit, fed fic cadit quemadmodum fi torus fuiffer su' dus : Sic &Chriftianus, quamvis omensluftrtiam fecerit, in uno peccaverit, Stuiliter peccatorRani- sur, quemadmodum fi femper peccairef. Sicut ait Iacobas, Si omnem legen adimpleas, & in ono rranf grediarts, frmiliter pravaricator es Legis , Chry(. tone. 2 sn cal. eMattb.zo. Flom. j;, Tant onomorbo liquis moriturr, quùuaLasutultis, Zat( eay.i. adCotofj: