Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walking withCod. the right underftanding, or laving pra6ice of thisfacred and fweeteft Art, of walking with God ; except thou reiòlve, to Band for ever fincerely at the fwords point againft all finne. Even thybofome - fnne muff be abandoned, ifthou looke for any biding in this kind : Thou muff put off the thinfrog thy finfull foule ; for as the fhirt is to the body,fo is thebelo. ved finne to the foule;it ítickes clofefl and neereft,and is done off withmoil adoe. Andbecaufe this darling- pleafure,mhiion-delight, Pems- von indelicüa , as the Fathers call it, is Satans ftrongeft Hold, his Tower of greatefl confidence and fecuritie, when bee , is driven out else-where, and fo by confequent moll power- full and peremptory to keepe a mans heart ellrangedwith largefl diliance, and incompatibleaverfion from all holyac- quaintance withGod; T will in flhort labour to enlighten, and dif-intangle any one, who unfainedly delires anutter di- vorce from this bofome-divell; by tellinghim, fiat, what it is : fecondly, what hisis: thirdly, howhe may be deceived b quemadmodum about it. nemo tam perdì- tus, aut fiagiciou z . As in every man , thereis one element, one humour, iuvenirur, quinab and ordinarily one paflionpredominant ; fo alfo one h worke aliquo vitro magis of darkeneffe, and wayof death. And it is that which his áhoreat`fcn'e- corrupt, and originali crookednefl"e, upon the firíl eleó}ive moranraeranaita- furvey,andprofpeaover the fooles Paradifeofworldlyplea- nt'usie, aliq odape - fares, flefilly lulls and vanities of this life, by a fecret fen- catum quàm ad fuall inclination , and bewitching infufion of Satan, tingles fætfrapropeníior g CorninProv, out, and makes fpeciall choiceof, to follow and feedupon, pa26: . withgreatefl delight, and predominant fweetnefle : after- ;h afe ward , by cuflome and continuance , growes fo powerfull, tare. The flefi i and attraólive, thatit extraordinarily endeares, anddrawes romya audarie unto it the heate ofall his delires, and flrongeft workings of lirrffrne, wherein his heart,withmuch affeetionate impatiencie, and headlong- v`'Llmolldelliighr neffe : and at the heiglst,by any unrefillable tyranny,it makes rigl'r eye, in re_ áll occafions and occurrences, friends andfollowers, the dee- Bard of pleafure, pelt reachof olicie andutmofl projeas of wit or her r;ght- p 1? 1 , Re13g101i, Ilan ï in regard of confience, credit with theworld, the univerfall pofhbilitie r °sr,&e. Dyke. Of body, foule, outward irate, ferviceable, and contribu- cap. p 15. anCe' S. D 2 tary