General' direelionsfar 4 Lary unto it, as the.Capcaine, and commanding finne; as to theDivels vice-roy,. domineering in the walled confcience. In forne, it is worldlineffe, want-onnefle, ambition, oppofici- on togodlinefle, ufury, pride,revenge, or the like Inothers, it maybedrunkennes,the fwaggering vanityofgood fellow- lhip,gluttony,pleafuresofPlay- houfe-hanting,gaming, fcur- rill jetting, &c. obflinate infatiableneffe in allowed recreati- ons, idlenefhe, or fuch like. 2. Thoumayeft difcover it by fuch ntarkesas there : T. It isthat, which thy truer} friends thine owne con- fcience and the finger of God in the Miniffery , many times finds out, meets with, and chieflychecks thee for. 2. It is that, which if it breake out intoof , and be vifible to the eye ofthe world,thine enemies moll eagerlyob- ferve, and obje6, as matter oftheir moll infultation, and thy greateft difgrace. 3.. That which thou art- lothefl to leave; art ofteneli tempted unto, haft leafi power to refit}, and which molthin- ders the refignation and fubmifnion of foule and body;, of all thy courfes and carriages,, heartily and unrefervedly to the Word andwill of God, 4. It is thatwhich God ofteneft correfts in thee, even in the interpretation , and guilty acknowledgement of thy felfe-accufing heart. It may be , at feverall times thou haft beetle aflii6edwith forne heavy croule in thineoutwardRate, Toile of a child, fome fits and pangs of bodily paine, terrours and troubles of minde, or fome fuch proportionable vificati- ons : now in all thefe,and like of liftions,upon the firut (mar ting apprehenfion, thy confcience, ifany whitawaked, on its owneaccord,feizes upon that finne wenow feeke for, as the principali 4chan andauthor of all thymifery. 5. If ever thou waftfo ficke,as out of extremitie to rè; ceive fentence ofdeath again(} thy felfe, and difpaire of reco- very ; if thy confcience was flirring, this finne affrighted thee tool}, and gave the deadlieft blow to drive thee to fi-- nail defpaire. And if thou fhouldeildie in it withoutrepen- tance, whichGoAforbid, it would infufo moll hellifh vigour -- and