G`e,erall diretalaxsfor a loved finne is wont to comemto thy miede in the firft place, and withgreateft terrour. Thirdly, aman may be deceived, in conceiving, that he is utterly divorced, and quite delivered from his bofome Gnne, and yet it beebut a meere exchange, or Tome other miftake. This groffe, affe5ted felfe- impofture, may bee feene in fuels cafes as theft : t. Hee maychange onely the oùtwardand vifible forme of it. For inftance; whereas the fame finne of covetoufneffe dothutter and expreffe it felfebyufury, fimony , facriledge, bribery, grindingpoore mens faces, crufhing, and unmerci- fully keepingunder the.poorer of the fame trade, healing, o- ver-reachingby tricks of wit, all manner of wrong doing; all kinds of oppreflìon, detaining ill-gotten goods without reftitution, &c. He may infenfibly glide out ofone guiph of griping eruelty,into another; he may fall from one of theft, being a more notorious,and curfed tradeof hoarding,toîome other of them lefleobferved, and not fo.odiousin the world, and yet hill abide in thecharsbers of death, .Íand under the ty- rannyofa reigning fin.The foule finofuncleannes Both acau- ate it fellby fornication, adultery,felfe-pollution,brutifh,and immoderate abufeof marriage, and fuchother abhorred in;<. purities. Now, bee may paffe from one of thefepollutions snore crying and abominable, to fome other of them, notaf- frighting the confcierìce with fuchgrieflinefe and horror,and yet ftill lye in the impenitent anddamnable fnares of luff. 2. Hee may furceafe,and refraine from the outwardgrofte à&s of fuchhatefull villanies; and yet his inwardparts bee !till defiledwith infatiable fenfual hankerings after them;de- lightfull revolving them inhismind,and contemplativecorn- /Mil-ion of them. For inflance :. He may hold his hand both from the cryingviolence of oppreffions and wrong, and the clofer conveiancespf cunning and fraud; and yet covetouf- neffemayfull reign in him , by the earthly exercife of the heart. Hee may forbeare the externall ads of uncleannefle, and yet lye and languifh abominably in fp.eculativewanton - fde,, an,4 adulteriesof the thought ;; the vifable executions