Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

cogsfortable walking withGod. 3 óf revenge, andyetnourith in his diftempered affe lions, the hellifh Vipers of heart-burninghatred, and feite; all indireE ambitious diming intohigh roomes , and yet bee pa1fingly proud, and over-greedyofprecedency. ;. Nay, he maychange the kinde of his bofome finne, iii iefpeaof matter, forme, object, every way; and yet upon thematter , it isbut the exchangeof one foule fiendfor ano- ther. For inftance : wantonneffe may bee his fweet finne inyouth;and worldlineffe inold age : revelling in his yonger, yeares;downe right drunkenneffe inhis declining time : pro- digalitymay fway in fome part ofhis life; pinching in fore other : Hypocrifie may raigneat one time; Apoftatie at ano- ther : furiouszeale forone while; prophane irreligiortfneflè for another. 4. When theblafling frofts and feebleneffe of old age; havewith a fottith deadneílè and Iiftlefne% emafculatedand walled the ambitious vigour of.his minde, and the boiflerous heat ofhis affe6 ions, have dryed anddrunke up the milke in his brefts , and marrow in hisbones ; his darling finne may then at lengthbid him adieu, without anypenitent difcharge and hee may fayunto it, I have no more pleafure in thee. Whereuponhe may falfely conclude a mortification, and fi- nall conqueft overit; a fecure deliverance from theguilt and curfe of it. 5. Hemay unfoundly pleafe himfelfe with anunvolunta- y,andenforced ceflation from it; when there is no wantof good will, as they fay ; but onely,of matter,meanes, oppor- tunity, enticement, company, provocation, or fomething for She full and free a6ing and enjoymentof it. So want of mo- tleymay reftraine a man, butfull fore againft his will, from ifrange appareil, gaming, Ale -houfe haunting,buying of Be- nefices, Offices, highroomes, &c. 6. Heemay for a time pull his neckeout of this flrongeff yokeof Satan, onely out of melancholicke pangof ilavifh terrour, ferious fore-thought of death, and lying everlaft- ingly inHell, true apprehenfionof the impoff'ibility of be- img favedwithout abandoning it ; upon ílome defperate óu- 4