Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

of Mr, Bolton. 25 that being advifed by Phyfirians for his healths fake, tobreake offthe ftrong irnert- tionsofhis fludies; hee rejcâed their coun- fell, accounting it greater riches to enjoy C HR t S7 by thofe fervent intentionsof his minde,then to remit them forthe fafeguard ofhis health : Much like the fpeechof that famoufly learned Dr. Reynolds to the Do&c rs of Oxford, comming tovifit hire in his laft fckeneffe(contraâedmcerely by l u s excee- ding paines in fludie, by v, hich he brought his withered body to a very óxea') who earnefilyperfwadinghim that hewould not perderefubfilantiampropteraccidentia,i. e. to lofe bis lifefor learning, he with a fweet (mile fine- lyanfweredout ofthePoet, Necpropter Zi- ramrvieendi perdere caufas; Noryetfor lo'eoflife lop that dare I, Which isthecaufe Ilirve tyindufiry. 2. For his Gravity,hewas ofa verycome- ly pretence, hee hada countenance fo fine- ly tempered with gravitie and aufieritie , that hee in a manner commanded refpcF fromothers ; in fomuch that many forbare tofpeake oraet unfeemely things in his pre- C2 fence, tuvenaî. Gravity,