Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

The Life and Death fence,that would nothave beene fo model in other company : Such a Majetfie doth grace imprint upon the countenances ofho ly men , that they draw refped from the greaten : this made thofe perfecutingEcn- perors to feare thevery faces ofthofe poore Chriaians that appeared before them And this caufed Conflantine theGreat fo to Soerater lib.:, honor thecountenance ofOld Paphnut11rs 6. 8 though disfigur'd by the loflie of his eye, that hee did often for his delight kiífe the hollow of that eye which was 1oí} for the cauteof C n R Y sr. So true is that of Salo- mon, wifdomecaufeth the face toThine, and the rigour of the countenance to beechan- ged. eale. 3, Heewas veryZealous for G o D, not onely by thepowerof his Minißery incon- verting many,whereinGODhad wonderful- ly bleffed him , but inany publike or private good that tended to the honour ofGOD, to wholegloryhe wholly facriftcedhimfelfe & tl true Ar`u_ all his ffudies, which I canthe more fafely sent that hee ,'aught na.* affirm; in that I know heebath divers times great thingr refutedpreferment from tomeoftheNobi- himfetc. lity