of MrmBolton. whole de',ight was tobee with Hirn, often breathing out fuck fpeeches asthefe whiles the violence and frequencie of his fits gave himany intermiflion, Oh when will this good houre come; when 'hall I be dgolved, when ¡hall d bee -with CHRIST? Being told that it was indeed better for him to bee di1. foived, but theChurch ofG o D could not ¡mitehimnor thebenefit of hisMinifiry.To which he thus fweetly replyed with David : Z. S m. =5. If! (ballfade favour in the eyes o f theLordbee z'' ib willbring meeagaineand/hewmee both it andhis habitation, but ifotherwife s loe here Iam , let himdoe what feemeth good inhis eyes. Being askedby another, whether heecould not be content to live if Q o D would grant -him life, hee thus anfcwered 9 I grant that life is a great blefsing of GoD5 neither will 1 e- glefany meanes that maypreferve it , and doe Vitam hahuit ydeFire tofubmit to GODS D s *Will But of min parienti2 Í heartil m, rem in de a the two Iinfi4itely defire to beedifotved an. to der". be'withCHR1ST. In the time of his fickeneffé there 16. came many to vifit him , but hee admit- ted none but hi intim,ite friends, ufi.a ; a fpe:ch