Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

of MrmBolton. whole de',ight was tobee with Hirn, often breathing out fuck fpeeches asthefe whiles the violence and frequencie of his fits gave himany intermiflion, Oh when will this good houre come; when 'hall I be dgolved, when ¡hall d bee -with CHRIST? Being told that it was indeed better for him to bee di1. foived, but theChurch ofG o D could not ¡mitehimnor thebenefit of hisMinifiry.To which he thus fweetly replyed with David : Z. S m. =5. If! (ballfade favour in the eyes o f theLordbee z'' ib willbring meeagaineand/hewmee both it andhis habitation, but ifotherwife s loe here Iam , let himdoe what feemeth good inhis eyes. Being askedby another, whether heecould not be content to live if Q o D would grant -him life, hee thus anfcwered 9 I grant that life is a great blefsing of GoD5 neither will 1 e- glefany meanes that maypreferve it , and doe Vitam hahuit ydeFire tofubmit to GODS D s *Will But of min parienti2 Í heartil m, rem in de a the two Iinfi4itely defire to beedifotved an. to der". be'withCHR1ST. In the time of his fickeneffé there 16. came many to vifit him , but hee admit- ted none but hi intim,ite friends, ufi.a ; a fpe:ch