tal,11,1 Liza.t. Llaas .1.. 4.,,,r- .e, 4., -4- ,r. 4- -1,- ,p, /it, V- JP- JP- 5P. JP' JP- JP- 411' 14' 14" ir- JP' 1431; , 1(' L/' T HE ,,,,,, ,f7.. ..*-0 1/17 0RkE SD. ,. , Of the Reverend, tru -0 ., ; , 3 ly Pious, and ludicioufly Learned 7(OBE7T BOLTON Batchelour inDivinity,late Fellow ofBrafen-Nofe Colledge in 0XF0RD and ReCtorofBroughton in Northampton. Shire, as they were finifhedby him- felfe in his life time. viz. The Life and death of the Author, E. P. Elquire. ADifcourfeabout theState ofTrueHappineffe. Diredions for a comfortable Walkingwith GODi InftruEtions for a Right comforting Aft:tided Cone fciences, &c. His Foure laft things, Death, ludgmattilltrand Heaven, d.9'c. His Funerall Sermon, by Nicholas Efivick Batchelour Y in Divinity* LONDON Printed by George (Miller, MD C.XL M-6.trt 4.641s141:R/s44:444/4/4/ LVVV:LIOVVVW*:**W*4# IblIMMEN_