Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

ofM .Bolton. under Ding E DvvA lz D the fixths owne hand appointedby him for the purgation ofthat foule body of the Cannon Law) and I doubt not but he that fo objeVieth vvill either beathamed ofhis ill tongue, or hisill life. Thefe la{lr Laws wereby Royal' Autho- rity printed in the Moneth of April Inno Domini,t571,and are atthis Day (for ought Iknow) Authenticke rules and Canons a- mong(1theClergy: Oniof thefe Lawes touching Mini{aers, I will recite in the properwordsofthe Lay. Non¡int compo- sores,non aleatores, nonaccules,non rvenatores, nonfycophant,e, nonotiofi, atefupini,fedfacra_ rum literarum iud js,d>' pudicationi rverbi oratiohibus pro Ecclefiaad D oM I N V M dili- genter incumbent,Refor. le sim E c cLE s, Tit. deEccLES.&Min f LCap,4=Fol, 48. Nay thatCotynoell or rather Confpiracy 'of Trent, as Bfhop cals it,ofwhich I may fay,aswas laidofdthaciuc, that thehatred of the Prifcillian herefie was all the virtue hehat : Soall thegoodneffeofthisCoun- cell chiefly confiíted in the reformation d of 39 *M. S. S. Rob. Cotton. C onIffit hrc deformitas in vanitate habi. tus. Item in mala foci.etate. Itemdeforma- tur hxc hone. fias, cum deli- cos fe immifcet in negotils fe- cularibus.Item intendendo minis & jocu_ latoribus. Item tabernas in. grrdiendo, nits tempore itine- ris, Item ad a- leas & taxtllos ludendo,vel e.. ifdem interef. fendo. Item quocunque or- nato fupetfluo utendo Lind. 'ood,lib 3. de vit, ter honeji. Clericfol. ii7,b. /C)ce! Ape-1,_ Quali verô lain orbis ter. rerum non vi- d at confpira- tioncm iflares die nonconci. l,um.,p.t 54.