A DISCOVRSE ABOVT THE STATE OF TRVE HAPPINESSE. DELIVERED IN CERTAINE Sermons in oxford, andat S. Pards Cree. By R o B ER T Bo LT o Batcheiour in Divinitie, and Minilter ofGodsWord at Broughton in Northampton Shire. The feventhEdition, correeted and amended, with a Table thcreunto annexed. 2 Cor. x3. 5. Prove your felvet whether you are in the faith: examine your Ryes: knowyenot your ownefelves, how that ref* Chrift WV", you, exceptyou bereprobates? ..47* LON:DO2v., Imprinted by Iohn Legatt, for Edmund Weaver, and are tobe fold at the Greyhound in Ruds Church-yard. x 6 3 8.