328 Gederall &rrítions to'r 4 fM eIi o2` on, or a Fnthuliafrnewithout cr betide theWord of 'ad t á ttann{tiitur Feve- heartily abominate all Anabaptif?icall fooleries andphren_ 1ationearìqu4qua fes:)For th is which the Spirit fo reveiles unto ourconfciet - Deus arcana fui onfitii notai, pa_ cee, wee our felves may colle& and conclude cut of Gods tef'feecr ,fl pro- Word, upon the confcience of our faith, repentance, other ge jì,& red.. ins mg endowments and holygraces i1,inirg in our foules, remo, quo 'Pis anduprightly exercifed inour whole converfation.When we fipfura iS re feriò ain by t hefe meanes havealluredour foules, thatweare thechil- Chriftum creek- dren of God, which is the tefiimony of our owne renewed re, & teftimonio inrrinfccoSpiritus fpirits ; theSpirit of God, as another witneffe,fecondeth and bus noRris, nos rettantisin carat confirmeth this of urance, bydivine infpiration, and by tweet etre filios pmi. motions and feelingsofGods fpeciall goodneffe, and glori- Molin...lnat..Ar- ous faving pretence; and fo according to theA ofilesphrafe, r1w114.cap.46. Eon. 8. 16. Beareth witneff with our ffririts. Wherefore if any man prefume upon, or pretend any immediate fuggefii- onor revelation, for his fpirituall fafetie,and everlafiing wel- being, and yet want utterly the teflimony of his renewed confcience to the fame purpofe ;the tefiimony of univerfall obedience; ofnot lyingwillingly anddelightfully in anyone knownefinite ; ofcrucifying the flefhwith the affe&iions and tufts, &c. I can give himnone but this cold comfort ;hee is curfedly cozened by the DevilIs counterfeite glory of an Angell, calling intohis ablatedimagination filch groundleiáe sonceirs, which in timeoftriall willvanifh into nothing,and flie away as a dreame. By the way let mee tell you, that though this lafi manner ofafiìirauce be more immediatly from the Spirit ; yet con- ceive that theother alto are not effz(tuall upon the heart, without the excitarion,illuminationand aflif}ance ofthe fame bleffed Spirir. For the firfi, confider the forecited place,- t Corinth: 2. 12. For the fecund ;when the confcience, through the mini- fide ofthe Law, Both teflifie to a man his fiate in finne, and under the curie 5 it is, through the fpirit of bondage, that it doth teflifie: then when it Both teflifie to him his flare of gçace, and.freedorne from:the curie, it is much ratherfrom the ..