Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable_walking with God. 339 the Spirit of Adoption. No man canfay, that Iefut is the _Lord, 1Cot., 2.3. A but by the Holy Ghori. For the third, I doubt not, but thebleffed Spirit,as acorn. Portable Remsmbrancer, refre(hedHezek,gs memory, when he cried to theLord,Remember now,O Lord, etc. Efay38.3. But how (hall a man difcerne, and difference a true per.. fwaíion, and the teltitnonyofthe Spirit ; from a groundle(1"e prefumptuous conceit,and the Devil's delufion ? IfBellarmin askeme, I willeafily flop his mouth : Firfl:, by demanding him,how his Saint a Franci,r,andSaint anefu/gpf: i; ,Anton, knew affuredly,that their revelations ofthe certaine iá.a t;`a °üer° remifiionoftheir fannes, were from the Spirit ofGod ; efpe- ciailyfithwithhim theywere revelations quite betides and without theWord. For b bee holds, that this propoliition b rtu..seu.him* Francis is truely ju{}ified:Antony bath his finnes forgiven ;ra"°'3 and fo of other particular men, is not to be found in the Word, either immediately, or by evident confeguence; which weeupon good ground contradi&, if the particular men be true beleevers. Secondly, by that Laying of lmbrofe, urged by cCatari-c `MaryfPke nut in the Councell of Trent : The Holy Ghos`f doth never pa8 ZO6 jpeake, unto tar, but doth ma(Ze ur. know, that it it Hee that J] eaketh. But ifthe doubtful' Chrif'cian truely troubled about it, wouldbe taught and informed in thepoint; or if it be pafft- ble that the Pharifee, the deluded Oneshould heartilydefire to be illightened; I advife that they would confider upon thefefollowingmarkès ofdifference. r. A found perfwafion upon good ground by the Spirit, is ever agreeable and aufwerable exa&ly to the Word. The inward teflimony of the Spirit, and outward teflimonie of the Word, doe alwayes fweetly accord, and one anfwers to the other, as face to face in water. And therefore, ifthat thy preteritlute, wherein thou conceivefl thy felfe to be fare and fife enough for falvation, be dif- alaled and condemned by Gods Word ; thy confidence is vaine, and Satan deludes thee. 'The Scripture tells us, Y 4 That