Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

334 G':e erall direéions for a aSanal non ope- That whofoever is borne of God dothnot commit a finne,i Jch, rancur rxccacum ; &,camen non func t.3.9. which is not to be uzlderftood fimplyof the a`ct offin- fi epeecato g ; vin For who can fay, íY heartL. cleave ? But in this fente, Pp. II 8. b Vbi regnat He makes not a tradeoffinning: hee finnethnot with bpur- .. proaoütumpets candi; ibi fiducia pofè, pteafure and perfeverance , he datte not live, lie, and mifericordi. eau- delight in finne;hefullrs it not to raigne in.him.Ifthen thou lai' alloweft any tenir in thy heart, or goe on in the willing pra- ¿ife ofany one knowne finne,or fenfuall conrfe, andyet be well conceited ofthy felfe for comfort in the world to come; cPfa1.64. `18. the Devill cozens thee: God will not c heart thy prayers, but apr/1.0.21. d wound the hairiefcalpe ofevery fuch a one. For inflance : If thou lyeft in lying ;( for its one thing to be overtaken that - way out of feare, or ere thou be aware, another thing to continue in it habitually andrefolutely againft an illightned impenitent confcience) and yet Tooke for Heaven,thouart deceived ; thou . hafi macle a lye tby refuge, and hid thy felfe under falfehood. And why? becaufe Gods Word faith, that the Fearefull, and Vnbelceving, And the Abominable, and Murtberers, and Whoremongers, and Sorcerers, and Mall- tern, and all Lyers fhall have their part in the Labe which barnetb with fire and brimffone, which is the fecund death, Revel. 21. 8; Conceive proportionably of lying inanyother finne damned inGods Booke in thefenfe I have raid. Ifthou abideft inthe Rate of meere civili honefly, and yet thinket with thy felfe, that thou art thereby furnifhed fufficiently for future happineffe, it is but a falfe flafh. And why ? Be- cauCe the Word faith, without bolinef no man pallfee the Lord,. Hebrews r 2. 14. Which necefiarily implies ; That $¢gt IieetilneFa- no =ere e civili man can poflibly be raved. If thou be a bistius ; fit lice; luke-warme Laodicean andyetconceiveft thou art rich e- Fabrius; lit licet Scipio; fir ricer nough fpiricually, and lookeft to be fved; thou art de- atgulu5; qu°rnm ceived : And why ? -Becaufe the Word faith That Chriff me nomrnibus tanquam in anti. will fpew fuch a one out of his mouth, Revelation 3. t6. qua a°mana "" Even as a filthy bitter vomit is to the ftomacke and mouth ria loquertmur, pucaaietfeteeren- of man that fpewes it out; fuch are all Luke-warme `am. formal1 Profeffours to the Lord Iefus Chrift as himfelfe ail centralulia. , retag.li6..4.s.3 there profeffes. A terrible and flaming fentence, uttered °? from