Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walking with God. 3.ßa from the Iudge his owne mouth in the meane time which, me thinks, fhould horribly affright thou lands in our dayei; who (land for a frozen formality, heartleffe indifferency,re- ferved neutrality, and politicke moderation in profeffion, and pra &ife of Religion. Thus a true testimony and found perfwafion of a good eflatq to Godward, ever holds cor- refpondence to the Word, and is infalliblygrounded there upon. Object. Sayyou fo ? Ih fpirituall cafes and points offaith, how is it posfible ; that a man fhould bee infallibly cer- taine of that by the Word,: which is not contained in the Word, either immediátly, or by good confequence ? But Dejxftif. ti6.3. Bedlarmin affirmes, that this particular propofition, Such, 8"9`a Primes ref- or fuck a man is tritely juffifed ; is not contained in the ` Word of God, either immediatelyorby goodconfegnence;- &c. Arafwer. To letpaffe atthis time, that which force wore thy Divines preffe in this point, that fuch places as thefe, .Pfalm. io3. 3, Efay 43. 32. Rom. 10. 9. Gal. 2 20. &c. Inti- mate and imply fuch a particular propofition immediately I anfwer, that it is deduced by evident confequence out of the Word. For from fuch general! promi(es andpropofitions as tisefe; Hee that beleeveth on the Sonne,- bath everlaffing life, lob. 3. 36. Tcbofoever beleeveth in him, (hall receive remi/on Iflinnet, ACC. io. 43. And by him all that beleeve, are jutyi.. fie from all things &c. NI. 13. 39, ,&c. follow by good confequence thele particulars : Paul, Peter, Luther, Calvin, Beza, Bradford, or any other particular man beleeving in him receives remiflion of fumes ; is juftified ; hath eternal! life. Even as it followeth dire&ly and infallibly, everyman is a reafonable creature; thereforelohn,Thomac, &c. is endued with reafon. Though no word faith exprefly and immediatly; Thou Tbomar beleeving (halt be Caved; yet the famewerd which faith, Every one beleeving,hath eternal! life, faithalfo;Thou 7boma beleeving, haft eternal! life,.or (halt be Paved. Ason thecontrary, this univerfall, Hee that beleeveth not the. Sonne, fhli