comfortable walking with God. 3.ßa from the Iudge his owne mouth in the meane time which, me thinks, fhould horribly affright thou lands in our dayei; who (land for a frozen formality, heartleffe indifferency,re- ferved neutrality, and politicke moderation in profeffion, and pra &ife of Religion. Thus a true testimony and found perfwafion of a good eflatq to Godward, ever holds cor- refpondence to the Word, and is infalliblygrounded there upon. Object. Sayyou fo ? Ih fpirituall cafes and points offaith, how is it posfible ; that a man fhould bee infallibly cer- taine of that by the Word,: which is not contained in the Word, either immediátly, or by good confequence ? But Dejxftif. ti6.3. Bedlarmin affirmes, that this particular propofition, Such, 8"9`a Primes ref- or fuck a man is tritely juffifed ; is not contained in the ` Word of God, either immediatelyorby goodconfegnence;- &c. Arafwer. To letpaffe atthis time, that which force wore thy Divines preffe in this point, that fuch places as thefe, .Pfalm. io3. 3, Efay 43. 32. Rom. 10. 9. Gal. 2 20. &c. Inti- mate and imply fuch a particular propofition immediately I anfwer, that it is deduced by evident confequence out of the Word. For from fuch general! promi(es andpropofitions as tisefe; Hee that beleeveth on the Sonne,- bath everlaffing life, lob. 3. 36. Tcbofoever beleeveth in him, (hall receive remi/on Iflinnet, ACC. io. 43. And by him all that beleeve, are jutyi.. fie from all things &c. NI. 13. 39, ,&c. follow by good confequence thele particulars : Paul, Peter, Luther, Calvin, Beza, Bradford, or any other particular man beleeving in him receives remiflion of fumes ; is juftified ; hath eternal! life. Even as it followeth dire&ly and infallibly, everyman is a reafonable creature; thereforelohn,Thomac, &c. is endued with reafon. Though no word faith exprefly and immediatly; Thou Tbomar beleeving (halt be Caved; yet the famewerd which faith, Every one beleeving,hath eternal! life, faithalfo;Thou 7boma beleeving, haft eternal! life,.or (halt be Paved. Ason thecontrary, this univerfall, Hee that beleeveth not the. Sonne, fhli