Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

The Epigle Dedicatory., funäion, wherein I itand, (hill guide mee; and the power of my poore ability can reach) the Bleffings of Heaven,and cornions ofa better 111011d. Towhich end, I here prefent unto you this Treatire 5 which I have intended tobe (Co far as mygracious God hail given mee underftanding in the poynt) as it were a looking, Glaffe or Touchfione , to whomfoever it (hail pleafe to take thorow notice thereof, for thedif- cerning and trying, in forcegood meafure , whether healready be ofthenumber of thole few which truly live the lifeof God, and under the Scepter of his Sonne;or lye as yet enthralled in the invifible chaincs ofdamnation and death, and under the large and powerfull raigne of Satan. For I am perfwaded, that in this glorious noone-tide of the Gofpel, many thoufands deceive not onely the world, and others, but even themfelves and their owne foules, about their fpirituall flare : thinking , ifthey finde in them- felves a freedome from grolle and notorious hones, fairenelle ofcondirions, civili honelly, a formal! pro- feffion of Chriflianity, outward performances of re- ligious fervices , that then their cafe is good enough for Heaven : though there bee wanting the laying power of inward fandification, and the truthof a found converfion : though theybee firangers to the great myfteryofGodlineffe, and difacquainted with aconfcionable and confiant courfe of Holineffe in their lives andadions. But wee mull conceive that over and befides thefe degrees of goodneffe, with which millions of men content and deceive them- felves ; yea, andquitebeyond, and utterly without thecompileofall worldlyglory, all vifible pompe, the