33? Generall dircElions fir .Q pall not f e life, but the wrath of,fed abidetb on bim incltr.. dethvertually, conlequently, infallibly,as though they were writ init, thefe particulars : Iudar,Bellarmin, or Banner, &c. riot beleeving, (hall not fee life, but the wrathofGod abi. dethon him. Other wife, ifthegenerali did not thus fuffici- ently include and comprehend a,ery particular ; and an uni.. verfali propofition all fubordinatefingular propofitions un- der it ; theLaw, Thou 'halt not kill: Thou(halt not commit adul- terry ; Thou 'halt not beare fulfe witneffë againfi thy neighbour; would not belong to Faux blowing up the Parliament : to this or that Priett polluting himfelfe in hearing confeflion; toBellarminz lying voluminoufly; becaufe its no where ex- prefly writ ; Thou Bellarmin (halt not beare falle witneffe againft thyneighbour. Thou fhaveling, bewareof felfe pol- lution. ThouFaux (halt not teare inpieces the Royrll limbs ofthe Lords Anointed. If Iohn or Thomas. beleeving, be not bound to be affhred of his falvation out of the generali promife ; except it were faid fomewhere in Scripture ;That Thomas or Iahn byname fhould be laved ; it would follow that chefe particular men, were not bound tobe honett men ; or tofeare God ; becaui itis nowhere laid in the Word; that 7homac or L bra ought to be honett men ; orareconuanded to feare God, but one- ¡yin the generali. In a word, let the lefuite tell mee, whether out of the Word hee be infallibly certaine that his body (hall rife a. gaineat the lall Day. Hedarenot for his heart denie it. And I pray you Bellarmin tell me, where it is particularly and expreflyPaid in Scripture, that the body of Robert Sellar. min thall rife againe at the laft Day? All particular in- fallible affurance in this kinde, fprings out of the generall propofition and promife that All 'hall rife. Cotintb. 3 5, Sze. 2. That heart whichBoth fweetly enjoy the Paradife o£ a true teflimony, and well groundedperfwafion.; that it pre- fendy lives the life ofgrace, and immortality : is fîncerely affe&ed and inflamed with a reverent love, and infatiable a longing