comfortable walking withGod. 333 a-longing after the Word preached and read, prayer, tinging a orifrbis defire g P bo f rest s duld, ofPlain: s, meditation, conference, vowes, dyes of hurl- anddipìd, ste Ration; ufe ofgood Boakes, godlycompany, all Gods or- tto:, fidefrt an,a dìnances,and good means appointed and fan&ific i for our ff iritxarl dance; fpirituail good. Becaufe thorow them, ás fomany golden it jrartuygrieves; nd imporrx- conduits,thofegracious lavingoperationsofthe holy Ghoft nately ePnetre t are conveyedand continued unto it; which minifferfound, anda[tit, fpttstxal[efier, to matter and true grounds of fuch comfortable affurance : and regains andrrtover in the confcronable ufè. and exercife,of them allo are wont ittf°rmerfo'rva.tr_ nefje anR feelnag, fometimes to be fecretly and fenfíbly breathed into it, fuch Which holy sari_ heaven! reali refrefhings themfelves ; which the joy of the ono' tdtt inetn whole ly enjoyment cannot poifibly equal!. But now want abfenfr, the affe&ion this way of thofe who are Pharifaically puff tnagbetetmedat egxivaleonenisnCodt up with a groundleffe conceit and vaine confidence ; is atteptatson ro faint and formal! ; artiall and referved; not accompanied t°mfort=b le poI',F P P f' with that univerfalitieanduniformitie of reverence and re- fpe&to all thebleflèd ordinances and meanes of grace. It is ever thewont and wilineffe of Inch to qualifie their coun- tenance and correfpondence tothefe, with that moderation and temper which may becompatible, and plaufibly cotlfríl: with the fafetie oftheir temporal' happinefe, and feeuritie of their bofome finne. And no marvell though their of e &ion in this kindebe not fo hearty, andhold oat 5 for they drawno fpeciall vertue and fweetneffe fromChrill, through them: and their conceit of being right, is not frdde from the Breaffs of the Bible, a 'dwith the heavenly Manna of a con fcionable Miniffery; but built upon thole inIufiicient grounds and rotten proppes I diícovered and dila.bled be- fore. 3. A found and undeceiving perfwafion that thou art e- verlaflingly lockt in the armes of Gods mercy and love, grounded upon the Word, feconded and fet on by the Spi- rit ; is a molt rare and richIewell, which doth infinitely ouc- fhine andoverweigh in fweetneffe and worth any rocke of Diamond, Chriffall Mountaine, or this great Creation, were it all converted intoone unvaluable Pearle; and therefore k infinitely envied, and affaulted. mightily on all fides. Is; r