33° Generall direaions fir a It is continually hunted like a Partridge on the Mountaines by naturali diftruff, thepolicie of Satan, and all the powers of darkeneffe. There is not a wicked fpirit, but is tranfpor- ted with implacable indignation againit that heaven upon earth; and therefore rages and roares about thee hill, to rob and bereave thy humblebreft of fuch an heavenly femme. Betides the two maine ends and generali aimes; ofall the malice and machinations of thole apoftated angels : i . The difhonour of God, and a. Thedifcomfort ofmens foules : In this point they arepeculiarly enragedwithextreame hellifh anger ; to fee a mortal! man, a childe of Adam, crowned byGods mercifull hand,even in this life,with right and inte- refi, and as it were, an earneft penny of the Inheritance with the Saints in light, andof thofebleffedManiions of glory and refi, ofwhich, by theirApoftacie and pride they have un- happily and everlaf ingly deprivedthemfelves.Neither onely fo, but they imployalfo their Agents, enemies to thegrace of Godand thine owne fearefujl:heart, tocharge falfély ma- Revel. 2.1v. nytimes upon thee, Hypocrifie and delufion, left that white b Arnanecancom- iOne'given theeby the holyGhoft;the fplendor and bfweet- enraged horror Halle. whereof none knoweth but hee that hath ir, should elan edIsm- tie e°nfcience, but fairelyThine upon thy fad foule with that lightfomneffe and the heart that en- comfort as it bothmayand ought. Whereupon it muff needs elute: it : fo. none J tall concerne the follow, that if thy perfwafion be well grounded and affu- fw"`n`fe of the rance true ; itwill beaccompanied and often exercifed with Spentes kifre,hat the foulethat re_ feares,jealoufies, doubts, diffrufts, varieties oftemptations, ceivet tt. Satansfiriefi darts, inje&ed kruples, contradi&ions of flail and blood, cavills of carnali reafon, want ofcomfortable feeling, &c. which will many times neceffarily drive thee to cry mightily toGod, and complaine at the Throneofgrace, againfi all this hellifh ordinance and affaul, s of thy unbelee- ving heart ; by the wrafiling of faith to warme thy foule with medication upon the promifes, to re-examineand re- vife thy grounds, to confirme thy watch, to retort for counfell, ftrength, and comfort to thequickening meanes; experience of former fweete feelings, and motions of the ; to truely judicious Divines, experiencedChrillians, dayes