3:3 6 Generali díreétionsfor a 4. In that heart to which the Spirit of God tef}ifies, that wee are His children, Rom. 8. 16. doth the fame Spi- rit create many fervent ejaculations, Wongcries, andunut- terable groanings, verfe 26. The teflimony of the Spirit is ever attended with the Spirit of Prayer. That glorious glimpfe fhining into the foule, and affuring it of falvati. on, is fo fweete, fo heavenly, fo ravifhing; fo tranfcendent and incomparably above all earthly joy, that it warmes the fpiricofa manwith quickning life and libertie, topowre out is felfe in the prefence of his Lord and his God, be- fore the ThroneofGrace : fometimes inmore hearty trium- phant, andas it were, winged prayers: at other times, in thofe which are more faint and cold, yet edged with in- finite delires, that they were more fervent, and therefore by the way, as it were, mingled and perfumed with the Revel, ;¢. foveraigne and fatisfaEory incenfe in the Golden Cenfer, which the Angell of the Covenant holds in his hand, are gracioufly accepted of him, which by an excellency and Pfal. 57. Z. title of highefl honour, is filled the Hearer of Prayer : or at a Ple+umqut hoc leaf{, with unexpreffablea groanes and inward wretlings, neo:iumplusge for refervation, recover and,;enlargement of that fame mïcìbus,quàmfcr- p y, monibus, agicur; comfortable affurance it felfe, and of all other holy ra- plus fletu, quam g aff,tu. and fruitsof the Spirit, purity of heart, conquef} over Ertfl ___ corruption, neerer Communion with God , f irituall.min- Cogitataotuaela- p moreasDona_ dedneffe, and fuch other heavenly guetls; aniongf} whom mumrdem inrfa. it is wont to dwell with delight, and reprefent it felfe 14r more comfortably. But now on the other fide; every deluded Pharifee isa meere f}ranger to the power ofPray- er. His prefumption and groundleffe confidence, is but a weede which will grow of its owne accord; and there- fore isnot fenfible of anynecelliitie, neither feeles anywant ofconfiant prayer from a broken heart : univerfall obe- dience; or the holy precifeneffe of the Saints to fup- port it. 5. An afïurance of Gods Loveupon lure ground, daft mightilyquicken, keene,, and fpurre forward the ingenuous Chriflian to more holinefre, hatred of firne, refolucion in good