Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walking with God. 337 good caufer, watchfulneffe over his heart, walking with God : Having theft promijes, faith hee, let mee cleanfemyfelfe z cony. I. from ail flthinef ofthe,lefb and#irit, perfd ing holinef in the fesse of Gad: Having this hope, I will labourtopurifie myCelle, even ar Hee is pure. To let the principali motive Iah,3.3 paffe,it is impoffible but that the feeling confcioufneffe that Godsfree love, through Chrift, bath freed usfrom eternity oftorments ; one houre wherein is infinitelymore flinging and terrible, than all the tortures that all mankinde bath, loth, or (hall endure, from the Creation to the endof the world ; and certainely intereffed us to eternitie ofjoyes, one houre wherein, doth incomparably furpaffe all the delights of this wide world, were they colle&ed into one lumpe of pleafure; I fay, it cannot be, but that fuch an affurance" thould ftirre up thebleffed fulle to doe or fuller any thing for Chriffs fake; rather to die than turne Papifl, to doe worthily in Ephrata, and bee famous in Bethlehem. But now the othergroundlefhe confidence, being in truth butafancie9, muff needs be powerleffe, fruitleffe, una&ive; and makes the deluded rather.fecure,careleffe, prefumptuous, onely for mall. 6 The bleffed Spirit iswont to fpring in our hearts, with heavenly refrefhing, and his fweetetlteflin,onie.; eípecially at fuch times as thefe: Whenweeretire and recolle& our (elves to convert with God in a more folemne and folitary ànanner ; opening our,confciences, breaking our hearts, and powring out our foujes into his bofome: when wee are preparedly andfrnítfulÌy exercifed inthe Ordinances : inour innocent patient fufferings, for good canfes and confcience fake : when we feele that we have conquered or well curbed tome corruption, by the power of Player; in the beleeving contemplationand revile ofour change, and the infallible anarkes thereof: when we meditate effe&ually upon the bot- tomleífe depth of Gods free love unto us, with which he bath loved us from everlaffing to everlafling; upon dayes of humiliation, &c. But that other counterfeit flaíh keepes a deluded Pharifee in alooks Paradife continually ; bee isorde narily