Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

338 Generall direllionsfir a narily at all times alike peremptory in the point ofafïurance. You (hall not take him any weeke in the yeare, anyday hi the weeke, any honre in the day, without .a bold perfwafi- on, and proteffation, ifneede be, That hee hopes to bee faved as well as the preci feft. Hee isas confident this way, when hee is cavelling againft the puritie of the Saints and power ofGodlineffe; as when hee isthe deepeft in his Phari- faicall devotions. 7. The prefumption ofthe Pharifee is ordinarily at the height,inhis height of outwardprofperity; and when Gods Candle fhineth fairelieft upon his head with worldly bier. rings. But the perfwafion of the Chriflian, Is for the molt part then ftrongeft, when the worldmoll frowneth uponhim for his forwardneffe ; and in beate ofperfecution. 8. Thofe that:are deluded with agroundleffe confidence, have ordinarilybeene fo conceitedof themfelves, ever fince they may remember, or had any thoughts of heaven; and that without confcioufneffe of any converfion, change, or füpernaturall favingwork upontheir foulesat all.For though the devill feales it wi, h more kcuritie upon their hearts, by his counterfeit Angelical)glory ; yet he findes matter enough inour corrupt nature, miniftred originally,for fuch agolden dreame, and imaginary cattle in the aire. But the teflimony of theSpirit,and that other true perfwafion is fupernaturall, and never felt before converfion; nor ever to be found but in a regenerate foule. I doubt not, but many Chriftians to their fngular comfortand further affurance, can tell the ex- perienceofboth : Their bold peremptory illgrounded pre- fumption in their unregenerate time : and their now true, kindely, fweet perfwafion, fo muchenvied and affaulted by Satan accompanying their converfion, 9. Natural)prefumptiorr,guilded overwith thedevilsde- lulion,ever fhrinkes in the wetting. Troubles ofconfcience, fiery trials, heavie croffes, the face of the Prince ofterrour, difáfcrous and difmall times difiolve it into nothing. But the other true teftimony holds out like armour ofproofe, ágainft ìhickeft hailefhot of all adveafary power.: Nay, it is wont