Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walkingwith God. 339 wont to thine and thew it felfe with unitedvigor andmore lighcfomeneffewithin;. in the greaten dampe of outward difcomforts, and moil confufions abroad. io. The Chriaiancan give found reafons for hisrefolu. tion, in the point ofaflurance;from his converfion,holycon_ verfation, love of the brethren, univerfall obedience, &c. thofemeaner Imentionedbeforeproper to thechild ofGod But put the Pharifetoprove in thiscafe,and perhapshe will not beable to fay fo much as his formali deluded brother, Luke, ió. t 1.12. SureLam, all that bee canproducefor that purpofe,being tried by theTouchBone ofGods Truth,will prove too lightand inconfequent. Revile the falfe mediums and infufficient grounds difcovered before, and you (hall perceive, that none of them canpoffibly inferre acomforta- bleconclufion. r r. The Laodicean longs faremore for gold,thangrowth in grace ; thinkes himfelfe already rich enough in Religion, and that bee bath attained that very temper which every wife man fhould rea upon, without any more medling : that ifhee fhouldfirreforward, hee fhould betoo precife;if he fhouldgrow any worfe, he fhould be tooprophane ; and thereforeconcludes; Ihave needeofnothing. But theillighte- nedChriftian, having truely tailedofthe áurance of Gods love, is infinitely greedy ofgrowing in grace, of conque- ring corruptions, of neerer communion withhis Chriff,of doing his God all the moft glorious fincere fervice hee can poffibly, before he goe downe into thepit, andbe feene no more, his performances by the graceofGod, are many, his endeavoures moe, but his defires endleffe, and ever a unfatif-asemperaüi daP_ fiedwithhisdegreeofwell-doing,hisprefentpitchofgrace licev (Pod ne andmeafure ofobedience, idTied nondum Thus having premifed a difcoveryoffpirituall felfe-deceit, es. mt,b bï :. wherebymany fo over-value themfelves, in point o ftheir manfiftisi auteeai j)irituallefate,that they conceive they are very right,where_P alits r as in truth andtryall,they are farke rotten at the root:Their , o,de ver$..4. cafe herein, is like that mans; who lying fail afleepe upon,"/'1""m, theedge of a acepe Rocke, dreames merrily of Crownes, T King-